Page 8 of Edward’s Bunny

With those words, I turned and hurried out of the house. Walter was waiting for me by the front door and fell into step beside me as we made our way to the helicopter.

“Sire, what happened?” he quietly asked.

“We’ll speak on board.” I looked over my shoulder and gave a tiny wave to Hayden and Owen, who’d followed us.

I practically sprinted up the stairs and into my seat. I needed distance from the odor. It felt as if it now surrounded me and was all I could smell.

“Take us up, Aden,” I said as soon as Walter sat opposite me.

“Yes, sire,” Aden replied, and the whirl of the rotors sounded.


I stared out the window and didn't answer Walter's one-word question. This was too crazy. Fate, why now. I’m not ready. I had a mate already, and that was Ellen. Our love may not have been fated, but she was all I needed. I didn’t understand why this would happen now, but I knew my fated mate had been with Hayden and Owen or had sat on their couch.


I looked toward Walter’s concerned expression. “Fate, Walter. Fate happened, and I don’t know what I’m going to do about it.”

"What do you mean?"

I sighed. "Nothing. Let's just get home. I have some thinking to do, and I need you to find out where we stand with my divorce. I want that done by this weekend."

Walter had the 'look' again but didn't say anything more this time. He nodded and said, “Yes, sire. I'll make sure it's done.”

"Thank you, Walter. Thank you." I stared back out the window.

Dad, you're probably getting a kick out of things right now. I could sure use your help. Do I even want a mate? Fuck me.