This caused Jason to freeze for a moment, but he stayed where he was with his back to her.

“Well, everyone needs help now and then,” he said after a pause. “Plus, they’re friends. I always give friends a discount when I can.”

Jeanette nodded, getting another spoonful of ice cream ready. When she finished, she popped the top off of the container of hot fudge and dipped the ice cream into it.

“Are you doing it so they’ll be more inclined to sell you the property?” It was a bold question, she knew, but before she got any friendlier with Jason, she had to know. She couldn’t stand another man in her life being deceitful.

At this, Jason put down the sponge, turned toward her, and leaned his hip against the sink as he crossed his arms.

“Is that the type of person you think I am?” he asked calmly, waiting for her to meet his eyes.

At first, Jeanette tried to avoid his gaze, but she ultimately looked up to meet his dark blue eyes. He didn’t look offended or amused, but simply curious. She swallowed her last bite of ice cream and put her spoon down.

“I don’t know what type of person you are, Jason,” she replied honestly. “I knew who you were, but time changes a person. Money changes a person. Your company owns almost every other vacation rental around us, save for the big chain hotels. For all I know, your chumminess is just a way to get a smooth deal out of them.”

Jason’s eyebrows flew up in surprise. “Well, no one can say you’re not honest,” he mused, “but to answer your question, no. Your aunt Miriam was a fine woman. When my mom ran off and my dad was busy with the station, I didn’t have anyone to watch over me. She always made sure I had a hot supper. Even when I was too ashamed to show up here myself, she or Amanda or Whitney would come over with a basket of food.”

“Amanda and Whitney are just like their mother, kind and strong,” he continued. “And with Joe getting a wild hair up his butt every few months or so and causing them trouble, I thought it was my turn to take care of them like they took care of me.”

“I had no idea,” Jeanette confessed, taken aback. Jason shrugged, turned, and went back to doing the dishes.

“Most people didn’t. They wanted to help me, not boast about their charity, and they had the grace to keep it quiet.”

“Jason, I’m so sorry,” Jeanette apologized, feeling foolish, “I didn’t mean to accuse you like that, I—”

“It’s okay,” Jason promised, cutting her off with a gentle tone. “You’re being protective, and I respect that. But I promise you, it’s not me that you have to protect them from.”

Jeanette pressed her lips together and nodded, knowing who he was talking about. For a moment, silence passed between them as Jason finished the dishes and moved on to the silverware. Not wanting any more ice cream, Jeanette put the container in the freezer, picked up a dish towel, and started drying the full rack of clean dishes.

“So, I ran into Joe at Morrison’s earlier this week,” she announced, hoping that she could change the subject.

Jason grunted and nodded his head.

“What did you think when you saw him again?” Jason asked.

Jeanette chortled. “Unlike you, time hasnotbeen kind to him.”

At this, Jason grinned and turned to her with a raised brow.

“Is that a compliment, Netti Spaghetti?” he teased.

Jeanette rolled her eyes and flicked him with the tail of her dish towel.

“Don’t let it go to your head,” she replied. Jason chuckled and turned back to his work. A moment later he sighed and shook his head.

“It is a little sad, though,” he admitted, sounding remorseful, “I think we all had hoped that he would turn himself around at some point. Lord knows your aunt Miriam and uncle Howard gave him plenty of opportunities.”

Jeanette pressed her lips together tightly, not sure if she should say what she was thinking.

“What is it?” Jason asked, once more sensing her apprehension without looking at her.

“Okay, you have to stop that,” she retorted, “it’s getting creepy.”

“Then start telling me what’s on your mind,” Jason retorted right back, his tone calm.

Jeanette’s grin slowly vanished as she picked up another dish to dry.

“You don’t…gosh, I sound like a frightened little girl, but, you don’t think he’d do anything to try to take this place from Amanda and Whitney, do you?”