To this day they were best friends, with the promise of divorce if either found a more suitable mate. So far, though, neither had been lucky in love, and their marriage still stood. Jeanette pondered, though, if that was a bad thing because from what she saw, they were both very happy with their arrangement.

Whitney, she discovered, had fallen in and out of love many times, and had been proposed to three times. Whenever it came to actually getting married, though, she always found one reason or another to end it. Again, Jeanette didn’t blame her. After all, if she would have paid attention to Daniel’s red flags, she wouldn’t have gotten married either. She was very thankful for her daughter Carmen, and wouldn’t trade that for the world. However, part of her began to wonder what her life would have looked like if she hadn’t walked down the aisle.

By Saturday, she had caught up with her cousins, learned every detail about their last twenty years or so, and she was in awe of them. They were not only strong and independent but also still able to cling to their sensitive sides, a feat which was rare these days.

“You’re up early!” Whitney announced as she came into the kitchen. Jeanette turned from the full pot of coffee she’d just finished brewing and smiled.

“With a view like this to wake up to, it’s hard not to be an early riser,” she replied happily. She pulled another coffee cup from the mug tree and poured a cup for Whitney.

“It’s one of the many reasons why it’s hard to be sad here,” Whitney agreed cheerily. She pulled out the coffee creamer from the fridge and then murmured a thanks as she accepted the mug from Jeanette.

“So listen, I know that you said that you were fine if we asked the crews to start their work again a little earlier than previously scheduled, but we wanted to be sure.” Whitney stirred some creamer into her mug and brought it to her lips for a sip. “I mean, if it’s about keeping busy, there’s plenty of other stuff we could do. We could show you around a little more. Spend a few days on the beach. Whatever you want really.”

Jeanette smiled as she shook her head and stirred some creamer into her own mug.

“I really appreciate that, but honestly, I’ve been really enjoying getting back to work. Especially this kind of work. I mean, I can’t tell you how nice it is to not have to go home and cry myself to sleep. Here, I go to bed with a smile on my face and wake up with one. I’d like to keep those good vibes going. But, of course, if you and Amanda need the break, please, by all means, take it.”

Whitney shook her head as she began cracking eggs into a bowl.

“Nope, we’re kind of on the same page as you are. We like the work. Plus, it feels like every day we’re getting a little closer to getting this place back in shape. We just wanted to make sure we weren’t taking advantage of you.”

Jeanette laughed as she pulled out the bread and toaster.

“Not at all, I promise. If anything, you’re keeping me from going insane.”

“Good morning, ladies,” Amanda announced cheerily as she walked in. “Ooh, coffee.” She made a beeline for the coffee maker, and Jeanette turned so she could pour her a mug.

“Thanks, doll,” Amanda said, accepting the mug before turning to Whitney. “Did you already talk to her about the crew?”

“Yep,” Whitney agreed, pouring the scrambled egg mixture into the hot frying pan.

“I promise,” Jeanette said with a laugh, “I am ready and raring to go. You guys don’t have to worry about working me too hard. And to be honest, I’m kind of sad that this is the last night of the week that we’re doing the dinner service. I like it, it’s fun. You guys get a real crowd in here.”

“We do,” Amanda agreed, “but unfortunately we’re reaching the end of the tourist season, so our regulars won’t be around.”

“Well, maybe I could help you with some marketing?” Jeanette offered. “I know there’s not a ton of locals that stay here in the winter, but it might be enough for us to open up a night or two a week.”

“I’m fine with that!” Whitney agreed, transferring the fluffy scrambled eggs into a serving bowl.

“That sounds great, actually,” Amanda added. “Maybe it’ll segue us into another venture. Who knows?”

Before they could continue the conversation, they heard someone call “hello” from the hallway. A moment later, Javier walked in, holding a brown grocery bag.

“Good morning, ladies,” he announced, his white smile spread wide across his handsome face.

“Good morning, Javier,” they all replied to him in unison. He bent down to kiss Amanda on the cheek and then carried the bag to the counter.

“I’m glad I caught you before you had breakfast. I got these grapefruits and they areamazing.You have to try the avocados too. They’re just like the ones I used to eat back home.”

“Only if you join us,” Amanda replied playfully.

“But of course,” Javier replied, smiling at her adoringly. “You look beautiful today by the way, babes. I love that you took my advice with that new spray for your hair. It gives it so much more body.”

“Well, you’ve never steered me wrong on beauty products before,” she replied happily.

While Jeanette halved two grapefruits, Javier made quick work of the avocados, and they sat them on the table. With their forks, they smushed the green goodness onto the toast and then scooped some scrambled eggs onto the top.

“Oh my gosh,” Jeanette groaned, taking her first bite. “You’re right, these are amazing.”