“All the kids have to get together in small groups and work on a project for theadvancement of humanity.” Gael used finger quotes. Talon scoffed.

“Not much, then.”

“I know, Connie says the teacher is quite…earnest.” It sounded like a complete load of crap to Talon, but what did he know.

“Anyway, most of the class has gone for things like recycling, etcetera. You know the type of thing—”

“Because if we don’t look after the planet there will be no humanity?”


“But why does that involve us?”

“Because,” Gael said, dropping his voice lower even though they were on their own, “Liam hasn’t been asked to join any groups.”

Talon shot a look at Gael. “Are you telling me he’s being deliberately excluded by the other kids?”

Gael just looked at him resignedly. “And I’m sure you can imagine why.”

“And the teacher hasn’t said anything?”

“Connie says no. Liam was put in a group, but the others made it more than obvious he isn’t welcome. Liam begged her not to tell the teacher because he thinks it will make things worse.”

“Which it may.” Talon agreed. “Are there any other enhanced kids there?”

Gael shook his head.

Talon blew out a breath, wishing Finn was here. Finn would know exactly what to say to Liam. “He’s coming.” Talon saw Liam break away from the kids heading toward the buses. Connie had told him this morning they were picking him up from school. “So, I’m guessing you want us to help Liam come up with some sort of project? When’s it due?” Talon asked, his eyes taking in the way Liam kept his head down even though he knew he’d seen the car.


“Tomorrow?” Talon said incredulously. “How the hell are we gonna come up with a project for tomorrow?”

Gael grinned just as Liam got to the car door. “Really Talon? The Advancement of Humanity?” He chuckled. “We’re not going to come up with a project. You’re actually gonnabethe project.”

Talon had no idea whether to look intimidating toward the little shits that had given Liam hell for four weeks or to look like he even knew half of what Finn was talking about.Genetic Determinism. Finn and Liam were just warming up and he had twenty-five fifteen-year olds and their teacher—Miss Kelly—completely spellbound.

It might have been the science—that was certainly impressive—but Talon personally thought it was the flames dancing from his fingertips as Talon held his hand up that was tipping the balance in Liam’s favor.

Finn was happy to answer questions but had directed the first few toward Liam, who probably knew far more about their unit than he should. No, scratch that. Heabsolutelyknew far more than he should, but they all trusted Liam to keep quiet. Eli’s abilities were documented and the fact that Talon now had some of their team’s abilities had also been reported. It was impossible to hide when he had been present when some nutcase decided he was going to bring a gun to a fist fight outside a high school Finn had been visiting. Talon had been picking him up because his car was in the shop and had seen the guy pull his weapon over a stupid-ass fight about parking spaces of all things. The weapon had been metallic shavings a few seconds later but at least thirty parents and students had seen what Talon did. He was just very careful never to demonstrate Sawyer’s other ability. Being able to walk through brick walls wasn’t something he really wanted to see on Fox News.

“It’s not a project, though,” some kid sat at the back mumbled to his buddy.

The other kid nodded. “He’s a foster kid. I heard his old man was some psycho that was put away for blowing something up.”

“Liam?” Talon interrupted. “You missed the question that,” he quirked an eyebrow at Miss Kelly and pointed to the two students who were sitting at the back.

“Philip and Tomas,” she supplied as both kids sat bolt upright at hearing their names.

“That Philip and Tomas asked,” Talon carried on, not missing a beat as both their eyes grew wide at the spotlight shining on them. He glanced at Liam. “They’d heard that your dad made great discoveries with tectonic energy and wondered how that came about?”

Liam practically lit up with enthusiasm and while being careful not to mention his own ability, went to great lengths in describing how to harness the power of earth. Even Talon was impressed, despite having heard it all before. And then when they were winding down because the whole point of Talon being here was so Liam could make friends—not so Talon could score points with children, satisfying though it may be—he bent toward Liam while Finn was talking. “Go with me on this, Liam.”

He cleared his throat as Finn finished. “Liam actually asked me if he was allowed to arrange a small tour of the facilities we have at the FBI headquarters. I can allow maybe a couple of students and I suggested we make it a competition for the best question. Liam says, and I agree, that Tomas and Philip can come and two more.” He looked at Liam, who was looking back at him with far more understanding—he thought—than any fifteen-year-old should have, and shrugged.

The teacher immediately perked up even more and suggested two more students who both smiled eagerly at Liam.

An hour later, Liam was given permission to show the class the Lenco, which obviously Talon had made sure they rocked up in. It was nearly lunchtime before everyone was done and Talon had been very satisfied to hear a few of the kids ask Liam if he would go to lunch with them. Miss Kelly directed them all back inside and gave Liam permission to say goodbye on his own.