He sighed happily, and aroundhim.

Talon accepted a hug from Amy and was dragged over to greet Callum. Vance came to stand next to him by the window. After a few moments, Taylor slid over next to Vance.

“We get bowling coupons from school when we get a high score or do something good.” He shrugged. “I got another last week I’ve not used yet.”

Finn glanced away so Taylor wouldn’t see his grin.

“Yeah?” Vance replied, equally as casual.

“So, I wondered if you wanted another game? I mean,” Tayler hurried on, “Callum and Matt will be going with me so I thought you could bring a team.” He suddenly seemed to find the carpet fascinating. “It would be better with four though, so you can be on our team if you like.”

Vance’s grin was ear to ear, and he nudged Taylor playfully. Of course, if Callum hadn’t chosen that second to come and talk to them, he wouldn’t have managed to catch his brother and save him from toppling over.

Vance rubbed his hands in glee and Finn chuckled. It was nice to have a Five Minute break from saving the world.

A Five Minute Show and Tell


“Don’t say it like you didn’t hear exactly what I just said.” Gael arched an eyebrow at Talon’s incredulous tone.

“But he’s nearly fifteen,” Talon carried on, ignoring the look.


“Fifteen-year old’s do not have show and tell,” Talon hissed. “I mean, that’s something, like, first graders do.” They were waiting outside Tampa Science Academy on the corner of North Boulevard and Waters Ave. It was a little far from Vance’s mom and dad’s where Liam lived but Liam had just transferred here after a friend of the lieutenant had recommended the school.

It was supposed to be perfect for the budding science geek that Liam now was.

Talon sighed. “Tell me again from the beginning.”

“Connie’s worried Liam’s not settling in.”


“Because he’s done a personality one-eighty in the space of four weeks since the semester started.”

“Meaning what?” Talon asked sharply. He hadn’t seen Vance or Sam for what seemed like ages, would, much to Talon’s disgust, Gregory had loaned them out to the DEA. They were due back very soon though.

“Meaning he’s gone from being crazy excited about everything to spending most of the time holed up in his room. Connie’s real worried.”

Talon gazed at the stream of students that had just burst out of the building. “Which I don’t like obviously, but what the hell has that got to do with show and tell, or more importantly me?”

“He’s not making friends apparently, according to Finn.”

Talon brightened. “Exactly. Finn would know what to do.” It was only because he was doing a school visit this afternoon that he wasn’t in the car.

Gael shook his head. “Nope, it needs to be you.”

Talon glanced at Gael. “Would that be because I have a mark on my face and Finn doesn’t?”

Gael beamed. “You’re getting the idea, boss.”

Talon growled. “You still didn’t explain.”

“School science project, right?”

Talon groaned. He had hated those.