Finn could understand how it had escalated. “What happened?”

“Taylor went and got Callum.”

Shit.“And what did Callum do?”

“He was just going to talk, but the guy went nuts as soon as he saw Callum’s scar.” Matt raised tear-filled eyes. “He had a gun.”

Finn’s jaw dropped. “The guard pulled his gun?”

Matt nodded miserably. “Callum is fast, real fast. He had the gun off the guy before anyone blinked. But then two more guards came and then the cops showed up. They said Callum was gonna shoot the guard, but he didn’t even point it at him, he just held it so it was pointing at the floor.”

Finn hardly dared breathe. “Did Callum get shot?”

Matt shook his head. “Not with a bullet. These cops had dart things.”

Finn closed his eyes.ENuHe could imagine.

“They took him to prison. No one would believe he hadn’t done anything.”

“How long ago?”

“Last year,” Matt took a breath. “No one will listen. They let Mom visit, but it’s in New York.”

So,money. They were stuck. She couldn’t afford to go and miss work or have someone else watch the kids. Finn sat on one of the empty seats and Matt dropped down next to him. “Callum and Taylor were always tight,” Matt explained. “Now Callum’s gone, which is all my fault, and what’s worse is Taylor has to watch me when Mom works. Taylor won a thing at school for tonight and got free tickets for here. He had to bring me, but there was no way he was gonna let me play.”

It was such a mess. Finn took a breath. “Let’s go get the soda. I need to know your full name and where you live. We have a lot of friends that are cops, including all of Vance’s family.”

Matt raised hopeful eyes. “You think you can get Callum home?”

Finn tried a reassuring smile. “I don’t know if I can, but our boss knows a lot of people. I’m pretty sure he can help.”

Finn would make sure of it.

Five days later, Finn stood next to Vance waiting for the cop car to pull into the shared parking lot. Gregory had invited Matt, Taylor, and their mom to their offices to discuss getting Callum released. Gregory had called in everyone he knew to help but they hadn’t budged, so Talon had called Senator Bryan Duvall. He’d had to promise a week of his time in Washington to help his campaign, but Finn was going to go with him, and he’d never seen the capital.

He’d made a list.

The senator had even promised them a guided tour of the White House. Talon would be making history as the first enhanced human to ever set foot in there. The senator said it was a P.R. dream.

Amy, Matt’s mom, reminded him of Connie. He was determined to introduce them since Connie was putting together an unofficial support group for parents with enhanced kids. Even Taylor hadn’t said a word of complaint as they had gotten a full guided tour of the field office, and Talon had promised to show him a few hand-to-hand moves in the gym.

Vance’s small grunt grabbed Finn’s attention from where Amy and the kids were listening to Talon demonstrate the new database of enhanced they were setting up.

“But it’s voluntary?” She frowned. “I’m not sure I’m thrilled with Callum being on police files.” Then she blushed. “Not that he isn’t already, of course.”

Gael nodded. “I felt exactly the same, but I was recently persuaded that only greater visibility will keep the kids safe. We recently helped a little boy that was being imprisoned by his father. If Bo had been documented and in school, the situation would either never have happened in the first place or would have been harder to maintain for the ridiculous length of time it was.”

Amy’s eyes filled. “I can’t believe Callum got locked away when he didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Amy?” Vance interrupted from the window. “There’s something I want you all to see.”

Amy, Matt, and Tayler rushed to the window just in time to see two cops get out of a patrol car. Taylor sneered but just before he turned away in disgust Finn saw his eyes widen and his breath hitch.

“Callum,” Amy cried and pressed her hand to the glass. Of course, the teenager that got out of the back of the car was too far away and couldn’t hear her through the glass, but because Vance’s brother Chris was one of the cops and it had been arranged, he glanced up at the window, nudged the boy, and pointed for him to look up.

Callum’s face broke out in a huge smile and Chris laughed as they both waived. Amy laughed, cried, hugged everyone, and fairly bounced on the spot until the door opened and Chris and Callum walked through. He was mobbed. There was shrieking and crying. Finn ducked his head and felt an arm slide up his back and give his shoulder a squeeze. “I don’t think anyone’s watching you, you’re safe,” Talon whispered as Finn drew his sleeve over his wet cheek.

Finn shook his head. “Like you’re not just as bad,” he whispered, and ignored the raised eyebrow. He’d seen Talon’s face when they had gotten the call to say Callum was going to be released. His big tough guy was as soft as the rest of them around kids.