Gael spoke first into the stunned silence. “Did that really just happen?”
One by one they all smiled, especially Anthony. Life was getting very interesting.
Evan had been offered and turned down a place with Finn and Talon. He’d been clear with the social worker that he was happy where he was.
And yet it always seemed like Anthony had a ticking clock in his head. They had a meeting on Monday with family services following the opening of the new rooms at the home Pete Docherty ran, where the man had promised Evan a bed.
He knew Evan would be gone in less than a week and it was killing him. He’d taken Evan to the office twice. They’d even learned how to play chess together, and Evan had taught him some video games.Him.
And he loved having Christopher there. Wished every single day that Christopher was in his bed and not just down the hall, but he never thought he could ever ask that with Evan there.
It had been way too easy not to fall into a routine. Three weeks on and Evan went to bed one night, leaving Christopher and Anthony watching a show.
“I think I should go home tomorrow.”
Shock ripped through Anthony, and he gazed at the man curled up next to him on the sofa. They’d been careful, both very conscious of PDA with a vulnerable teenager in the house, but at the same time, Anthony had loved taking it slow. They’d become comfortable around each other. Anthony touched him casually, and Christopher returned it. They all ate together every night, and Christopher had become a very insightful sounding board for the numerous cases that came across Anthony’s desk every day. Evan had also been interested and while Anthony was careful to protect confidentiality, they could argue what ifs back and forth for hours.
“Whatever happens in the morning, you two don’t need a babysitter anymore.”
“Is that what you think?” Anthony asked and drew Christopher close. “You do know I’ve been holding back because of Evan?” He breathed carefully. “But to make sure there’s no misunderstanding, whatever does happen tomorrow I want you in my life. You make me very happy, and I want nothing more than to have you stay. With me. In my bed,” he added in case Christopher doubted what he meant.
Christopher gulped but then almost threw himself at Anthony.“I want to stay. I want to explore this.”He smiled.“I prefer my house, but that really doesn’t matter.”
Anthony chuckled, loving the way Christopher pressed in tight. He could feel his arousal rubbing up against his own. “Honestly? I prefer your house too.” And they kissed for what seemed like hours but really wasn’t long enough. They were both ready for so much more.
“I hate thinking we can only go to my house if Evan leaves.”
Anthony nodded. “Me too.” Because they were both well aware that it was Anthony’s home that was approved by DCFS. Christopher was going through the application and approval process, but it would take weeks because it hadn’t been classed as an emergency like Talon and Finn’s initial situation. And tomorrow, they would meet with Evan’s social worker along with Pete Docherty to arrange Evan’s move.
Anthony would miss that kid so damn much. He was bright. They’d had so much fun. He’d been so humbled the first time Evan had asked him for help first with his homework instead of Christopher. Not that they ever approached things separately, but the thought that Evan trusted him a little was the best feeling in the world.
The next morning, they all sat in an office conference room. Christopher was there in case Evan needed help with communication, but he was getting better at standardized sign language. Evan, his case manager Sherri Blakely, Pete Docherty, Christopher, and Anthony were all sitting with bottles of water, as most of them couldn’t abide the office coffee. Sawyer was also present since representing enhanced children in foster care was now his job. It even looked like he was going to need an assistant soon. There was an ASL-proficient translator watching a live video and they all wore earpieces if needed. Evan had been assured he could use sign language whenever he preferred.
“This is your show, Evan,” Sherri Blakely said. “We know you want to move into the group home Mr. Docherty manages, and as promised, there is a bed there for you. You can move in as soon as tomorrow.”
Evan looked scared to death, and Anthony leaned over. “If it would make you feel better to have fewer of us here, I can wait outside.” But Evan shook his head then took a breath.
“I want to stay.”
Anthony wasn’t sure he’d heard properly, but of course he had to ask. “You mean with me?” He added quickly, “Just so we’re clear, are you saying you want to stay with me and not move to Pete’s? I wouldn’t be upset if you do want to move,” he said. “I want you to be happy. Hope you can still meet me to beat me at chess wherever you live.”
Evan started signing carefully. He was getting quite good and the ASL expert repeated what Evan said even though thanks to Christopher Anthony heard it loud and clear in his head.“Do you want me to stay?”
It was odd when the same sentence was repeated back to him through his earpiece.
“It’s not about what I want,” Anthony said. “Whatever your answer, it isn’t a right or a wrong one, but if you’re asking for an honest reply then the answer is yes,hell yes.”
Pete snorted and Sawyer tried to hide a smile.
“But Mr. Gregory doesn’t want to influence you,” Sherri Blakely hurriedly added. “We don’t want you to feel pressured in any way. In fact,” she looked at Sawyer. “I think it might be appropriate to interview Evan alone.”
“It won’t matter,” Evan said loudly and clearly though he started signing again.“Do you remember two weeks ago when Christopher was late home from work, and I got upset because Taven O’Connell had called me dumb?”
“Of course,” Anthony replied after waiting a moment to give the translator a chance to ask the question. He’d been ready to arrest the little snot. Possibly give him life without parole.
“And instead of waiting while Christopher came home to translate for us, you got out your sign language book and we spent an hour talking.”
Anthony signed really slowly. “I made a lot of mis-t-a-k-e.”