His wife had lamented the fact that she couldn’t get pregnant—even if it would have likely taken an immaculate conception because he was barely allowed near her—only to discover her birth control pills hidden under a drawer she had missed when she’d cleared the rest of her things out.
Anthony had really been tempted to cry that day. Not for his wife, but for a life lost. He’d have thrown everything into being the best dad he could be, but he’d never even been asked. Or maybe that was all on him? Maybe he should have instigated the deep conversations. Too late now, though, and he had a monopoly game to win.
The first time they’d played, obviously he and Christopher had offered to split, partner with each boy. Liam had just scoffed and said they were good with the kids taking on the adults.And they’d wiped the floor with them.As in Kai and Liam had beaten their asses,twice. The Captain had tried to warn him, said Liam was clever, and that Kai was like some monopoly ninja.
Clearly, he hadn’t been exaggerating.
They’d even improved on the existing rules. Added a couple of side hustles, if you could believe that. The first time Liam had casually suggested it, the captain had shaken his head in warning. Anthony wished he’d taken notice, but it was too late now. They were five games down and the entire reputation of the FBI—so it seemed—rested on the next game.
Christopher stopped him as he locked his car and went to follow him inside.“Don’t forget Liam can see what you’re doing.”
“What?” That brought him up short. He hadn’t gotten some freaky x-ray vision. Liam—for the non-science geeks amongst them—could basically see through living things. Something to do with oxygen and carbon, which Anthony didn’t get. “He can’t see through plastic, can he?”
“No he can’t, but he can see your blood flow, your heart rate.”
“But doesn’t that just mean I shouldn’t play him at poker?”
Christopher laughed. It was silent, but Anthony could see the joy on his face and wished he could always put it there.
Anthony considered what Christopher had said as they walked to the door. He bent down and whispered. “Can you make me calm?”
Christopher’s eyes widened, then crinkled in amusement.“That would be cheating.”
Anthony shrugged. If Liam was using his abilities, then as far as he was concerned, he needed an edge. “All’s fair in love and monopoly,” he murmured just as Kai opened the door. He didn’t think about any other meaning of that phrase until they were inside.
They still lost.
The kids went to bed eventually and Christopher went to the kitchen, offering to make coffee. He returned with two steaming mugs and two slices of Connie’s birthday cake. Anthony groaned. “I’m fat enough.”
Christopher’s eyebrows rose.“You’re no such thing.”
Anthony tried and probably failed to hide his pleasure. “Doc says I have to lose twenty pounds.”
Christopher grinned and patted his middle.“I’m hardly svelte myself.”
Anthony looked him up and down, but he struggled to see past his gentleness, caring nature, and ready smile. “You’re perfect,” he blurted out, then reddened. Damn, why did he behave like such a complete dork, as Kai would say, every time he spoke to the man?
No fool like an old foolwas another saying that might also apply. They ate their cake and, knowing he could expect Matthew and Connie to return at any moment, Anthony was going to ask Christopher if he’d like to go out for supper, possibly tomorrow after work, or even later in the week, when Christopher’s cell phone buzzed.
Anthony averted his face from the screen to give Christopher privacy just as he heard Matthew’s car pull up outside. Connie came in and hugged them both, laughing when he admitted they’d been beaten once again. Matthew grunted and told them Kai’s return to school had only been possible because Kai had met one of his sergeants when he’d visited and there’d been a news segment on TV in the background about illegal trading.
Apparently, his sergeant had a brother that worked in the city and knew the man. Kai had grilled him for nearly half an hour while Dan Crispin had patiently explained about stocks and shares and bitcoins.
Kai had been fascinated. And Dan Crispin, because he was a good guy and knew they were struggling to get Kai to agree to any sort of schooling because he thought it was boring, made Kai a deal. Promised a special guided tour of the New York stock exchange escorted by him and his brother when Kai completed one semester.
Apparently, Kai was now saving hard because he wanted to have his own brokerage account next. It had to be custodial until he was eighteen, but Connie and Matthew had no doubt Kai would probably be the first enhanced trader ever.
Matthew had confided that he was considering letting Kai invest some of his pension when the time came, because now that Connie had developed a taste for cruises, he wanted to be able to take her in luxury.
When they left, Anthony could tell whatever text he’d gotten had upset Christopher, as he was furiously replying without even bothering to unlock his car. “None of my business,” Anthony said, “but you look worried.”
Christopher looked up.“It was from Evan. There’s been a water pipe burst at his foster home; it flooded the first floor and all the kids are having to be moved as an emergency. They’re being bussed everywhere and apparently the only foster home that is willing to take an enhanced, and one with his record, is in Tallahassee.”Christopher shook his head.“He knows it would only be temporary until Pete’s place was opened, but one of the other kids just told him the place is awful. He was in another home with a kid that had been there, and he says the foster parents have a biological son who makes all the foster kids’ lives hell.He’s going to run, Tony, I know he will. He’s seventeen for another seven months and I’m not allowed to have him.”
Anthony took a moment to savor Christopher’s shortening of his name before he processed the second thing he said.
“You’ve applied to become a foster parent?”
Christopher nodded.“But it could take months for me to do everything, and because I can’t explain to children and families that I can communicate, they’re very leery of allowing it. Apparently sign language is a bonus if they have a deaf child but add in my enhanced status and it becomes complicated.”