“No,” Talon said softly. “With me, I think.” That was what he was really worried about. Talon being enhanced seemed to stop Finn from doing what he wanted. The wedding, the family, the kids. He knew how Adam felt.

Finn shook his head, a soft smile playing on his lips. He stood and pointed to the steps that led to the overgrown garden. “Sit. If I try to get on your lap on that, I’m pretty sure the chair will break.” Talon eagerly complied and didn’t mind the hard surface his ass perched on, especially with an armful of soft Finn. Finn lifted Talon’s chin with a gentle finger and brought their lips together. They explored gently until Talon could feel other parts of Finn’s anatomy becoming not quite so soft, but they didn’t even have a blanket to lie on.

“I love you,” Finn murmured against his lips. “I’m sorry I’ve been a grouch, but I swear it isn’t you.”

“There’s a lot happening with the wedding. You want a family, specifically a baby.”

Finn’s eyes filled with tears, and he tried to blink furiously. “I’m such an awful person.”

Talon held him tighter. “No, you’re not. I think you need to give yourself some credit here. What you want is a babyas well.” He sighed. “If you had your way we’d have every single one of the five bedrooms upstairs filled with bunkbeds. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a baby as well.”

Finn looked up. “But—”

Talon captured his lips to stop the protest until Finn relaxed again and he drew back. “I’m sorry.”

“I guess.” Finn sighed. “But it’s not your fault you’re so hot I can’t bear to part with you.”

Talon snorted rather inelegantly. “You clearly haven’t looked in the mirror recently.” But his heart settled. “How about we take these issues one at a time, starting with the wedding. What do you need me to do?”

Finn bit his lip. “Make it snow?”

“Huh?” Talon said, although he’d heard him. “You want to get married in some place like Colorado?”

Finn shook his head and pointed to the huge overgrown yard. “I want to get married here. At home. I’ve been looking everywhere and even considered asking Jacob, but I want it here. I don’t want to go anywhere.”

Talon gaped looking at the monstrosity of a forest in front of them. “Well, clearing it is doable, but you do know we live in Florida, right?”

Finn grinned. “Connie’s been researching fake snow ever since I mentioned doing it here, but I don’t want anything fake about our day. And I want all the kids there, likeallof them.” Talon nodded, his mind whirling with possibilities.

“When you say all of them you’re talking about emptying two group foster homes as well as every other child you’ve probably met, right?” It wasn’t that they didn’t have the space. The reason they’d paid for an old house that had seen better days was the huge back plot that three developers had tried and failed to get permission to build on. If that had happened, the price tag would have been in the millions. Of course, it had helped that Vance’s dad had known the owner, who was moving to Europe to be near his grandchildren.

He'd known that the house would take years to remodel. He hadn’t imagined the yard would be a priority. “And you definitely want it here?”

Finn nodded eagerly. “This is us, Talon. I don’t want some huge hotel or country club. I don’t want to fly to some exotic beach. I want to be home.”

Talon heaved a relieved sigh. He could do the yard. It wasn’t like he couldn’t bring in help. Fuck, Vance could probably clear half the trees on his own.

“Okay, then next on the list. A baby. We looked at private adoption. Just because one pregnant woman had a fit when she found out what I am doesn’t mean they all will. We can look at surrogacy as well.”

“We just spent a lot of money on this,” Finn said waving at the forest. “You know how much surrogacy costs.”

Talon did. “Which is why I’m selling my gran’s apartment.”

“What?” Finn gasped. “No Talon, that is important to you. I thought you were going to rent it out to enhanced.”

“Yes, I was, but now the insurance thing is better.”

“And there are still landlords that won’t rent to an enhanced no matter what the insurance is, or they will, but the price is ridiculous.”

Talon nodded. He knew that, but if that’s what it took to pay for surrogacy then he wouldn’t bat an eyelash.

“Talon.” Finn placed a hand on Talon’s chest. “Don’t give up your dreams for mine.”

“I’m not. I want to be a dad as much as you do.”

“But you’d be happy to take older kids,” Finn pointed out.

“So are you, you just want a baby as well.”