His fingers clasped the box he had held in his hand for the past four hours. “I want to stay with you for the rest of my life,” Finn rushed out. “Like, I don’t want another boyfriend ever,” he added because that was important.

Talon’s eyes crinkled in that super sexy way he had. “Good.”

“So, I was thinking…”

Talon’s eyebrow arched in that sexy ‘rip off my pants and take me to bed’ way he had. Finn had no chance when a mere facial expression made him want to get Talon naked as fast as possible. “I was going to cook you a romantic meal last night. The steaks you love.”

Talon nodded. “Well, I would have hoped it would keep because I had a table booked at Arabella’s.”

Finn’s eyes widened. “Arabella’s? Wow! How did you manage that?”

“Because I’ve had it booked for seven months and the lieutenant helped me,” Talon admitted.

“Why?” Finn asked, suddenly needing the answer more than he needed his last breath.

“Because of this,” Talon answered solemnly and brought out the small velvet box he had in his pocket. Finn gazed at it for a long time, but then he raised his head and met blue eyes that were so dazzling they could stop his heart. And then without a word, he opened his palm to show a nearly identical box. Talon stopped breathing and Finn was watching him so intently he noticed.

“T?” Finn whispered, and Talon took a breath.

“How about we open them together?”

Finn nodded. Talon gripped the box he held and Finn glanced down. With shaking fingers, he opened it and held it out. The silence terrified him, and for a long moment he thought he’d made a terrible mistake. With every scrap of courage he had, and being utterly convinced of Talon’s love, he looked at the box that Talon had opened, and tears rushed to his eyes.

It was the pair.

His was the larger one with the matching edge, and the one Talon held was the smaller one with the diamonds.

He didn’t realize he was crying until Talon wrapped him up in his strong arms and held him close. “I love you,” Talon whispered. “Will you marry me?”

Finn laughed. “It isn’t possible that anyone could love someone as much as I do you. Will you marry me?”

Talon tightened his arms. “Yes, my darling.”

Finn sighed happily. It was perfect, and he lifted his face for the gentlest sweetest kiss Talon had ever given him, and his toes curled.

“I wanted everything to be perfect,” Finn admitted. “I had the whole thing planned.”

Talon pressed another kiss on him. “Just promise me something?”

“Anything,” Finn breathed out. He couldn’t have been any happier if he tried. He would promise this man anything, anything at all.

“Then for the love of God, will you stop doing shit and ending up in here?”

And Finn hesitated. He would promise to love Talon with all his heart and soul, but maybe some things were impossible.

Even for the love of his life.

“It’s something we’ll work on together,” Finn hedged and raised his head for another kiss.

It was the best Valentine’s Day ever.

A Five Minute Wedding

Chapter One

Talonwincedwhentheapartment door slammed shut as the whirlwind called Special Agent Finlay Mayer—his fiancé—raced out of it.

“He needs a tracker,” Richard commented idly as he added cream to his coffee.