He nodded.

“Does Mother know?” And Talon could have kicked himself for the question.

Richard’s smile contained no humor. “Not yet.”

Talon narrowed his eyes. “And I’m assuming that’s why you’re here, and not at a fundraiser?” His mother’s political aspirations were a given. They’d all grown up with them. Talon had thrown a wrench in them by becoming enhanced, but his dad had committed the ultimate crime by dying.

Talon got out the cream, but Richard held his hand up. “Black for me.” That was different, but Talon wasn’t surprised, he guessed. Cream and sugar weren’t a given in some of the places Richard had served. Richard would never believe it, but Talon had followed his career.

Talon nodded to the seat next to the small table. Everything was ready for Finn, and he still had a good twenty-five minutes before he was home.

Talon was still stunned Richard had chosen to come here. Of all the brothers, Richard was a momma’s boy. They had tolerated each other through adolescence but when Talon got his mark, Richard had treated him like it was a personal affront. Richard had gotten dropped from the swim team, and Talon knew it had been because of the freak in the family. Of course, he hadn’t known that until later. He’d been too busy being locked up in the psychiatric facility mommy dearest had put him in.

“So?” Talon prodded.

“I didn’t leave so much as I was pushed.”

Talon frowned and sat down at the small table. “What do you mean?” Richard was top officer material. He’d had that shoved down his throat so many times growing up, it wasn’t something he was likely to forget.

“I did a tour in Syria.” He shrugged. “It didn’t go well.”

Just then, Talon’s door slammed open. It was little Sascha from next door with Olly, and she was squealing and laughing. It took Talon a second, but Richard jumped, whirled, and had his back to the kitchen wall in less time than it took Talon to even realize Sascha had run in as usual without knocking.

He stood casually and greeted Sascha, smiling and thanking the little girl. Sascha was gone ten seconds later in the same whirlwind fashion. Olly went straight to his bowl. Talon went back to his chair. “Neighbor’s kid. They all walk Olly for me.”

Richard nodded stiffly and came back to the table, but Talon could see the pulse beating wildly in his throat. It didn’t take a genius to know more had happened to Richard than he knew, but they weren’t close anymore, if they ever were, and he wasn’t sure Richard would even tell him if he did ask. Talon looked at the clock and frowned. Finn would be home in fifteen minutes.

“Are you going out?” Richard had followed his gaze.

“Yes, I’ve got a meal booked with Finn.”

Richard blinked. “Of course, its Valentine’s Day.” He nodded to himself, stood, and bent to pick up his bag from the floor.

“Where are you staying?” Talon asked, hating to chase him out.

Richard shrugged and Talon could have bitten his tongue. He was clearly hoping to stay with Talon. “I have a spare room,” he said without missing a beat. “We’d love to have you.”

Richard arched an eyebrow in such apparent disbelief that Talon grinned. They’d never been close but that was their toxic upbringing. Their family motto should have been ‘every man for himself.’ Unless it was his mom, and then everyone danced to her tune. Talon was suddenly so sick of fighting with his brothers. “If Finn finds out I let you leave, or you stayed somewhere else, I’m gonna be in a boat load of trouble.” He fingered the small box again and took what he hoped was a calculated risk. “I have something important to ask him tonight and I need him to say yes.”

Richard’s eyes widened when he caught Talon’s meaning, and Talon practically saw the tension draining from Richard’s shoulders. “Good for you,” he said quietly, which was the very last thing he expected Richard to say. Talon stood up.

“Come on. We’re going out at seven, but the fridge is full, or you can order anything.” He pointed to the left kitchen drawer. “All the delivery menus are in there.”

Richard hesitated again. “Sorry. I should have gone to get a room.” Talon shook his head. He wanted to ask the obvious, like why he hadn’t gone to Washington—to Mom’s—but he had a feeling that was the start of a very long conversation he didn’t have time for tonight.

“Are you sure you don’t mind us going out?”

“Are you kidding me?” Richard asked. “I turn up uninvited after barely speaking since… well, for twenty years… and you don’t throw me out?” His eyes glinted with moisture, but he dropped his gaze. Talon swallowed down his tight throat. He meant since Talon had gotten his scar and their dad died. But Richard had only been fifteen and it hadn’t just been Talon who had felt the fallout.

“Hey.” Talon put his hand out. He wasn’t a hundred percent sure Richard was doing hugs right at that moment.

Richard clasped his hand and squeezed, nodding, but he didn’t reply. Talon turned and walked into the spare room, fishing his phone from his pocket when it rang, frowning when he recognized Vance’s number. “Hello?”

“Talon, it’s Finn.”

Talon’s heart stopped. He could practically feel the thing slam on the breaks. “What?” he clutched the phone and Richard paused, hearing Talon’s strangled tone.

“Finn got carjacked. He’s on his way to Tampa General…” But Vance’s words faded. He didn’t hear a thing after “Finn got carjacked.” Richard took the phone off him, said a few words to Vance, and before he knew it Richard had taken his keys and was pushing him out of the door.