“That we won’t let what happened last night take anything else from us. I know you love your place, and I don’t want to let what Ryan did ruin that for you.”
Ugh. Her house. He’d destroyed the living room. “I don’t want to see it right now, but I do love it.”
“I know, and as bad as it might look, you won a big fight there, and that’s something to be proud of. I’m proud of you.”
She scoffed. “If I was brave, it was only because you and God were beside me.”
Linc lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “If I’m a better man, it’s only because you and God are beside me.”
The dining hall was packed, and the roar of all the talking and laughing buzzed over Jess’s skin. Having the guests back at the ranch had been a perfect distraction. She could go a full ten hours a day without thinking about the mess Ryan created.
On the flip side, it also left little time to spend with Linc. Sure, they sought each other out every chance they got, but between workdays and Linc’s follow-up appointments with doctors, their alone time was pretty sparse.
She scanned the crowd for him now. He should’ve already been back from his appointment.
Fingers touched her shoulder, and she turned, trying not to recoil. Touching still triggered her old fears sometimes, but she’d come a long way lately. Linc was patiently breaking those walls down.
It was Mrs. Shepherd, a dark-haired woman Jess had met earlier that week. “Hey! How is Penny doing?”
“She’s doing okay, but she’s still a little timid.”
Penny was a sweet girl with a love for horses, but her fear of heights was getting in the way. Knowing all she was going through to conquer her fears, Jess couldn’t help but be proud.
Mrs. Shepherd wrung her hands. “I know. I was worried about that.”
“Don’t be. She’ll get through this. I can tell she’s determined. She’s already come a long way.”
A soft smile bloomed on Mrs. Shepherd’s face. “You’re right. I’m so glad she has a patient teacher. She can’t stop talking about you. I think you’re her new role model.”
Jess swallowed hard. Her? A role model? It didn’t seem possible, but she wanted to hang onto the words.
“Thanks for saying that. Don’t worry about Penny. She’s doing a great job.”
Mrs. Shepherd’s smile beamed as she jerked a thumb over her shoulder. “I’d better get back over there. She’s talking some poor stranger’s head off.”
“See you later,” Jess said as she continued her path through the large room.
Still no sign of Linc.
Pushing the unease down into her gut, she pulled out her phone to call him, but a text she hadn’t noticed lit up the screen.
Linc: Come to the supply shed behind the archery range.
Jess pocketed her phone and wove her way through the crowd. He hadn’t called her after the appointment or texted to let her know everything was okay. Hopefully, that didn’t mean he’d hit any setbacks in his recovery.
She prayed for good news as she pushed out of the double doors and cantered down the steps toward her truck. The late spring had achieved pleasant status about a week ago, and the waning of the season made her itch with the promise of summer warmth.
She pulled up at the shed and shifted into park before coming to a complete stop.
After a jerky entrance, she hopped out of the truck and jogged inside. The squeaky door announced her arrival, and Linc lifted his head, letting go of the bag he’d been packing.
Jess opened her arms. “What’s the word?”