Page 110 of Forever After All

Jess tried to hide her grin. “That’s precious. You’ve been taking care of an old lady.” She pushed his shoulder, but he barely budged. “I always knew you were a softie.”

Linc pointed at her and fixed her with a stern expression. “I’m not a softie.”

“Why do you hide it?” she asked.

“Am I supposed to tell everyone when I do a good deed? That’s stupid. No one cares if I fix someone’s appliances.”

“It’s just so sweet. And humble.”

Linc scoffed. “I haven’t always been humble. It’s new for me.”

Jess rolled her eyes. “I doubt that’s true.”

He leaned toward her, resting his elbows on his knees, and locked his gaze with hers. “Gangs wanted to recruit me when they heard about the terrible things I did.”

All of the air whooshed out of Jess’s lungs. “What kind of things?”

“I’m not telling you that.”

“Were you ever part of a gang?” she asked, gently toeing the line.

“No. I didn’t like authority.”

“So, you did all of those bad things just because you wanted to.”

Linc shrugged, as if the truth spoke for itself.

“But you said you had a friend,” she said.

“And he ended up worse off than me.”

“Worse than prison?” What could be worse than prison?

“He just got a longer sentence, and something tells me he isn’t trying to turn things around like I am. Ryan needed violence like he needed air.”

Jess stared down at her boots. Linc could have easily chosen to stick to what he knew. If he had, they wouldn’t be here right now. He wouldn’t have given his life to the Lord. He wouldn’t have risked his life to protect her.

But something about Linc made her trust him, and that trust had come early. That had to mean something.

“I’m glad you turned things around. Mrs. Grant is lucky to have you. And…so am I.”

A loud clap of thunder jerked her attention away from Linc. So much for good news about the storm.

Linc stood and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I need to call Asa, then check on the horses. I’ll be right back.”

Jess nodded, suddenly aware of the knot in her throat. She’d never been afraid of storms before, but the danger felt closer this high on the mountain.



Thunder rumbled outside, and Jess tried to focus on the mug in her hand. The thing was dry as a bone, but she kept rubbing the dish towel over it. The dishes were clean, but she needed something to keep her mind off Linc and the storm. He should have been back by now.

What if one of the horses got spooked? What if he got stuck or ran into a wolf or a bear?

Of course, the storm was bringing out all of her worst fears, and the terrible thoughts kept swirling and growing into bigger and worse scenarios.

“Come on, Linc,” she whispered. She needed proof of life soon, or she was going to brave the storm herself.