Desperate to cut her off, I blurt out, “I’m seeing somebody!”
Chapter Two
Whydid I say that?
Goddess, now what? Damage control is key here. Because Megan is a cunning opponent in the game of wits. Like any good salesperson, she knows her prey better than they do.
“It’s new. I haven’t told anyone yet because we’re ...trying to...uh...take it slow. You know, nurture it a little.”
I want to hit my head on the desk.Why can’t you control your mouth?Stupid. Stupid and nothing good this way comes. I know Megan won’t let it go. She is going to be all over me like her sorority sisters at a Juicy Couture outlet store.
“Who is he?”
I crumple paper over the mic on my phone. “What? What? Megan, you’re breaking up. Are you going through a tunnel?”
“Nice try.”
Think, Stella. “I told you that we’re keeping this on the down-low for now. He’s just out of a bad relationship, too.” That seems plausible, right? For this guy who I’m completely making up to be nursing a broken heart?
“At least tell me his name.”
I look around the reception area for a lifeline, my eyes settling on my monitor and Dr. Rivers’ website. “Christopher. His name is Christopher.”
“Oh, I like that name. Where did you meet him?”
Fantastic. She likes that name. That must mean he’s a good boyfriend if Megan likes his name. “The internet?” That isn’t a lie exactly.
“The internet? Seriously, Stella?”
Goddess it’s like my sister is stuck in the ‘90s. “Yes, the internet. It’s this thing where you can communicate with people all over the world through a little box in your house or sometimes even your phone.” Wait until I tell her about the dating apps. The idea of swiping will horrify her.
“Funny. What’s he like? Where is he from?”
I look at the fuzzy picture, tilting my head sideways and then back. I can’t tell her that he’s grainy or grayscale. “He’s kind of serious.” Nobody else would look that earnest in thick glasses. “But he’s great with animals.” Probably. “He lives in the city.”