Page 46 of The Right Stuff

“Don’t be stupid.”

Nash. “Maybe. Probably. Yes. But it doesn’t change anything.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. We’ll dissect my date tomorrow, yeah?”

I smile, my heart warmed over by the happy look in her eye. “I can’t wait.”


MONDAY MORNING, PAULINEand I are sitting on the bench behind the prosecuting attorney’s table at the courthouse waiting for Richard’s arraignment. We squeeze each other’s hand when they bring him in wearing prison sweats and handcuffs.

This is just one step. What happens today only determines whether or not he’ll wait for trial in a cell or if they will release him, ensuring he’ll run again.

Someone sits at the end of our row and it looks like...Perry? I turn and notice that several rows are filled with familiar faces. Stella, Brandon, Leo, Dixie, even Stella’s sister, Megan, is here. I look over my other shoulder and catch Nash’s gaze. He gives me an encouraging nod and I’m flooded with warmth.

“They came,” I whisper to Pauline. I’ve felt so blessed just to have Pauline and Danny stick with me that it never occurred to me that the people I met in Brazen Bay would be here for us too.

She turns and waves when she sees Brandon. “Wow. I’ve only been to that town three times. They’re here for you, honey.”

“You’re dating the town’s lead singer, who is crazy about you. I’m guessing they’re here for you too.”

The judge comes in, we all rise, and then I pray that they don’t let him out. He’ll run away and he might still try to get Danny. He’s got nothing to lose now. Which is why I’m shocked when he pleads guilty.

The whole thing is over and done with so fast I can barely process it. They take him back to the county jail, and I sit there blinking. “C’mon,” Pauline nudges. “They’re going to call the next case and I don’t want to get stuck here.”

We filter out into the hall, Pauline gravitating to Brandon right away. I turn toward the steps to see Nash coming down. He stops right where he is, one foot still on the bottom step. For a moment, we just stare at each other in this strange instant of time slowing down. His mouth curves around a slow smile, and my stomach tumbles the way it always does around him.

“Wow,” Dixie says, somehow sneaking up by my side, snapping my awareness back to the present. “That woman sure knows how to wear a dress.”

She’s looking at Pauline in the blue dress that molds against her curves, but shows very little skin for Pauline. “Yes, that’s her demure courtroom dress. I talked her out of red.”

Dixie hugs me. “How are you?”

“Better today. How are the wedding plans?”

“Oh my gosh. Please don’t ask. Megan is here and if you get her started...anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were coming on Friday. We’re having a very small, informal engagement party at Ironwing.”

“I thought that was next week.”

“Nope. This Friday. Promise me you’ll come.”

I turn to the stairs, but Nash isn’t there. “It might be weird. I don’t want to make your party awkward.”

“You have to promise me you’ll come. Almost everyone there is a Brazen Bay native. I need your support.”

“I’ll try.”

“You promise.”

“I promise I’ll try.”

She hugs me again. “I’m glad your ex is stuck behind bars. I’ll see you Friday.”

I get hugs and well wishes from everyone, as well as admonishments to show up on Friday, so I guess I’m going to get closure on more than just the flea this week.