Page 6 of Wrong Number Text

Dixie: So maybe we can do this again sometime? I mean if you want to. If you don’t we don’t have to. I just know, never mind. You probably think I’m rambling. Which I am. And I do. Often.

Leo: I really want to do this again sometime. I swear.

God help me, but I do. Something about her makes me more than hard. It’s crazy. I think about that as I head to the station. How can words on a screen, a wrong number text, feel so strong? Like something I’ve been waiting for all my life?

I’ve dated, had a few girlfriends, but how did I make it to thirty-eight without feeling this rush? I just assumed I was missing a settling-down gene since no woman has ever zapped that thing inside a guy that makes him think forever.

Jenkins tried to explain it to me recently, how it felt when he met his wife. How he just knew instantly that she was his woman and he was her man and he would move heaven and earth to be with her. And he did. He almost quit Engine 37 because she wasn’t sure she wanted to get involved with someone who risked his life every day on the job. That was a red flag for me, but the damndest thing happened. After he offered to quit, she realized that she couldn’t ask him to do that. They’re happy as fuck now, having a baby soon.

I’ve seen a lot of marriages go south. It’s one reason I’ve never put myself out there too much. It’s not easy to be a family man and a hothead.

And why the hell am I thinking about this now?