Dixie: Hi, Tim. This is Dixie from the accident.
Dixie: Please text insurance info you promised.
Two days later
Dixie: Still need insurance stuff. Please?
I SET MY BEER DOWN. I ignored her texts two days ago. I thought she would just go away. I don’t like texting people I know, much less strangers, but it looks like I need to deal with this.
Leo: Tim sounds like an asshole.
Leo: He also gave you a wrong number.
Dixie: Are you serious right now?
Dixie: I hate men.
I smile at my phone. A first for me. I hate my phone. I only ever scowl at it.
Leo: I’m a man.
Dixie: Sorry! It’s not your fault.
Leo: If you find him, text me back. I’ll beat him up for you.
[flexed biceps emoji]
If the guys at the station knew I was using emojis right now, I’d never hear the end of it.
Dixie: [smiley] My hero.
Dixie: I wish there were more guys like you.
Leo: My last gf would disagree.
Dixie: Don’t ruin my fantasy!!
Leo: You’re fantasizing about me already, huh?
Dixie: Sure, LOL. Help me out. What are you wearing?
[heart-eyes emoji]
Leo: You don’t want to know my name first, baby?
Leo: I feel so used.
If only it was this easy to flirt with women face to face, I’d be a real Casanova, like my buddy Drew. He does all the swiping and never sleeps alone. I don’t actually know what swiping is.
Dixie: JK. I’m not the kind of girl who sexts with strangers.
Leo: My name is Leo.
Leo: There. Now we aren’t strangers.