Page 77 of Forbidden Bond

“What? No!” he states. “Why would I be mad? Come on, baby.”

“But I don’t know how you’re feeling right now. Screw this, I should have told you in person.” My heart starts to race. I think I might be panicking.

“Katie, breathe,” he says, his voice warm and comforting in my ear. “It’s just a lot to think about. A baby. Damn. I wonder if she’d have your eyes,” he muses.

I let out a huge breath of relief at that and smile. “She?”

“Yeah. I want a girl. Daniel needs a little cousin to play with, anyway.”

Tears well up in my eyes because he’s taking this so perfectly. “So you wouldn’t mind? If I was really pregnant?”

“No I don’t mind. It is what it is at this point princess. But our kid’s grandfather will probably take me out.”

I love him.

The words are on the tip of my tongue. But I can’t say them to him over the phone.

“I’m coming over now,” I tell him. “I can take the test with you and we can wait for the results together.”

“Alright,” Topher rumbles. “Drive safe, baby.”

He hangs up and I smile to myself like an idiot. A few minutes ago, I was terrified out of my mind. One conversation with Topher and every doubt I’ve ever had is gone. He makes me feel like I can do anything, as long as he’s right beside me.

I buy the pregnancy test and walk out of the store much happier than I came in. But the smile on my face vanishes when my dad’s name flashes across the screen of my phone.


“Hi, Dad,” I greet, picking up.

I lean against my car, hoping the conversation will be brief.

“Katherine,” he says. “How are you, honey?”

“I’m good.”

“Hmm. I haven’t seen you in a bit. Still staying at Jameson’s place?”

“Yes,” I answer, my voice tight. I still haven’t forgiven him for cutting off my credit cards.

I’m just glad my best friend is rich. Initially, I felt bad about spending Jamie’s money. But he has lots of it and he doesn’t seem to care. Plus, I’ve spent almost twenty-three years taking care of him. I’ll take this as my compensation.

“Really, Katherine?” my dad asks, his voice low and icy.

“Yep,” I say.

“Alright. It’s a good thing you’ve had Jamie to take care of you all this while.”

More like the other way around. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Do you plan on staying there long-term or are you coming back home. I’ll return all your credit cards. Your punishment’s over.”

My eyebrows go up. My dad never backs down. Ever. I’m immediately suspicious.


“Because I realized I’ve been pushing my daughter away. And I don’t want to do that anymore.”

“Okay. Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate it. And for what it’s worth, I’ve been looking into some serious job opportunities.”