And still she’d succumbed to the temptation that was Jack Reilly. How smug he must have been when she’d arrived on the island and fallen into his arms and his bed without any effort on his part!

The recollection made her feel cheap.


She dropped her dress and bra and turned away. She didn’t want anything Jack Reilly had touched.

He was still talking to Leanne, the woman who’d once bombarded her with schedules of how she was expected to spend her time. He was welcome to her! Maybe he could take her on next to fill the vacancy of wife when Bess left this time.

Bess reached the front door, scooped up her sandals and stepped outside, not bothering to put them on. All she wanted was to get away from here as fast as possible. She had a single suitcase to pack and with luck might be able to get a flight out this morning.

She’d text Jack when she’d gone, tell him that she’d realised the passion they’d shared wasn’t enough and she had to move on. Maybe it was cowardly, not confronting him now. She wanted to, so badly. But she knew she’d never be able to do it and maintain her dignity. The hurt was so bad, the sense of betrayal so deep, she’d end up shouting and raging, or worse, in tears. She refused to let him see her like that.

A raw, unguarded sound escaped her mouth. She told herself it was laughter. For here she was, running away from her husband a second time because she hadn’t managed to do it properly before.

That was better than admitting it was a groan of visceral pain. Because the truth about Jack’s feelings for her, or lack of them, rent her heart, her self-esteem, her very soul apart.


BESSSTAREDATthe picture on the opposite wall. It showed a woman, head bent and hair falling forward to curtain her face, tenderly cradling her baby bump. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from it.

‘I take it this wasn’t the news you were hoping for.’

She met the doctor’s enquiring eyes.

Had she been hoping for different news? This meant her life would change forever. At a time when she already felt it had spun out of control.

But now her suspicions had been confirmed, she didn’t know how she felt. ‘I’m just finding it hard to believe it’s true. I almost didn’t make this appointment because it seemed impossible.’

Though given the number of times she and Jack had had sex in that week together, logic told her it was far from impossible, especially as she’d stopped taking the pill when she left Paris and they’d relied only on condoms.

Jack had always been meticulous about protection. He’d made it clear from the first that he wasn’t ready to start a family.

Her lips twisted. It seemed that was one thing the mighty Jack Reilly couldn’t control.

The doctor’s smile was reassuring. ‘Many women feel that way, especially the first time. It’s a lot to take in.’

Bess nodded. She’d had weeks to get used to this possibility but still it felt like she’d wake up to find it had all been a dream. That’s why, instead of going to a GP for confirmation of the home test she’d taken, Bess had accepted her flatmate’s offer to get her an appointment with her sister, an obstetrician. Receiving the news from the specialist left no room for doubt.

She’d never imagined an unplanned pregnancy. She felt healthy but what if she’d picked up some so-far-unnoticed health issue from her travels? Something that might affect a baby?

‘I don’t feel different. No morning sickness, my breasts don’t feel sensitive, nothing.’

Just that all-important missed period.

The doctor’s smile grew. ‘That’s not uncommon at this stage, and lots of women don’t get morning sickness. Time will tell. The good news is that everything seems normal. No indications at this stage of anything to worry about.’ She paused, her gaze searching. ‘I can refer you to a counselling service if you’d like. And I’ll give you some information on nutrition, diet and so forth, as well as book you in for a follow-up appointment.’

The rest of the consultation passed in a blur. Bess asked questions but only took in half the answers. Her head was spinning and everything felt unreal.

Leaving the building, she paused on the footpath, looking at the London street with new eyes. The scents of traffic and rain-wet pavement hit her nostrils. The hiss of a taxi’s tyres sounded loud as it passed and the red flowers in a nearby window box glowed vibrantly. It felt like all her senses were heightened.

From shock? Excitement? She barely knew.

Bess inhaled slowly. One thing she did know was that she’d have to tell Jack. He deserved to know he was going to be a father. But that could wait a little. There was no rush since she knew he wouldn’t be thrilled. She wasn’t up to dealing with him just yet.

Maybe the shock was wearing off for, despite the wreck of her marriage and the fact that she’d undoubtedly be a single mother since Jack wasn’t interested in a family, she felt a tickle of excitement.

Her blood fizzed in her veins.