Her pristine reputation.

Bess had felt sick to the stomach at the casual way he’d referred to his reason for marrying. Never had Jack been so brutally direct. Before that, he’d been so charming. He’d made a marriage of convenience sound like the most sensible, delightful thing in the world. Especially when he’d made it abundantly clear that he was attracted to her.

‘Yes, you said you were sorry. And I know you weren’t yourself that night.’

But had it been his rising fever that had made him blurt out such awful things?

Was that what he still thought?

She didn’t really know how Jack felt about her now. Physically attracted, yes. But had anything else changed?

How weak she’d been, relishing their sexual compatibility for five whole days and not pressing him about their relationship. Jack hadn’t followed through with his offer to talk but she hadn’t ventured there either.

She’d been too scared of what she’d hear.

Without giving herself time to think, Bess shoved aside the sheet and shot out of bed, scooping up the silky robe abandoned on the floor and shrugging it on.

‘Elisabeth, we need to talk.’

Elisabeth again, not Bess. It was what her father had called her as a child when she’d done something wrong.

It was a tiny thing yet it reminded her that despite the physical intimacy there were still gaping flaws in this relationship. If he’d called her Bess, as he had last night in a voice filled with yearning, she knew her caution would have shattered.

‘We absolutely do need to talk, Jack. But not yet. I have to get my head straight first.’

Bess watched him freeze. Saw the staccato jerk of the pulse at his jaw, but then he sat back and nodded. He gave her another smile, a dazzling flash of masculine charm that sent her stomach into free fall and made her knees weak. ‘Fair enough. I know, when you think it through, you’ll see it makes sense.’


BESSWISHEDSHEhad Jack’s certainty.

She barely noticed the crystal water frothing warm around her ankles as she meandered up the empty beach, trying to organise her thoughts.

If she returned to Paris she’d be committing anew to a marriage that hadn’t worked before. What had really changed?

Jack had apologised for a start. And she’d forgiven him, believing his illness had in part contributed to his insulting ultimatum.

More, and this was huge, he’d altered his packed schedule at a moment’s notice just to spend time with her.

He’d put her first. Ahead of business.

Her heart expanded against her ribs and her steps faltered as she remembered that moment. He’d been due to fly out that day, no doubt he’d had back-to-back meetings scheduled for the week, but he’d cancelled them at the last moment to be with her.

Because she was that important to him.

That had been out of character, for Jack was many things but impulsive wasn’t one of them.

Her husband—for the first time in ages she allowed herself to think of him that way—was a talented engineer turned ultra-successful entrepreneur. He had a mind like a steel trap, logical, quick and able to strategise so far ahead it made her head spin. He planned everything meticulously, ready for all eventualities. That, with his formidable focus and his first-rate business model, had brought incredible success.

He was the most energetic man she knew and the most daunting. For though he could be kind and charming heneveracted on impulse. With Jack everything was planned. As for taking time out for fun, that was unheard of. Every social engagement, every event, every appearance fed into his long-term commercial goals. Business was the most important thing in his life.

For Jack to decide on the spur of the moment to forget business simply to be with her...

She stumbled to a halt, her throat thickening. Hemustreally care for her. Maybe in her absence he’d realised how much. He’d been so tender with her this week but there’d also been an undercurrent of something else, something that felt almost like desperation. At first she’d assumed it was because they’d been apart so long but as the days progressed that sense of barely leashed urgency had escalated, not abated.

Bess pressed her hand to her suddenly churning stomach. Was it possible Jack was beginning to fall in love with her?

Her breath sawed in her lungs as she struggled for equilibrium. She couldn’t assume too much but surely,surelythere was a chance. She’d go back now and they’d talk properly. If, as seemed likely, Jack’s feelings for her were changing, then she’d accept his offer and return to Paris, and try to mend their marriage.