She felt his tension, his body strained and hard. She shook her head. ‘No time for that.’ Though she adored it when he caressed her there. ‘I need youwithme.’

He moved before she’d finished speaking, rising up her body so this time when he lowered himself they were torso to torso, pelvis to pelvis, setting off a shower of sparks where they touched.

‘You’re not going to stop me doing this too, are you?’ He didn’t wait for a response, cupping her breast with one hand and kissing the other.

Bess arched high, clasping his head to her breast, setting her teeth against the scream of pleasure forming on her tongue.

She remembered intimacy with him being mind-numbingly good but this... Every atom in her body was attuned to his touch, her muscles clenching in eager readiness for his possession. As if her body had been dormant before this, waiting for his caress to bring her back to life.

The thought terrified her but before she could dwell on it he lifted his head, eyes holding hers as he shifted higher, settling between her hips and aligning their bodies.

Bess sighed with relief as he moved, watching her as he slid slow and deep, until they were no longer two separate beings but one. The wonder of it made her heartbeat stumble as if it were the first time all over again. As if all the world hung on this moment.

Jack’s shoulders rose and fell, his chest deliciously hard against hers. His breath was a hot caress on her face. His eyes were unreadable in this light but his regard was so intense instinct warned that maybe sex wasn’t as simple as she’d thought.

But before she could think that through, Jack moved and she responded, the thrust of his possession calling to all that was female and eager inside her. She lifted her knees, wrapped her arms around him and matched her movements to his.

Still those dark, glittering eyes held hers as if they saw deep into her soul, to the needy woman she hadn’t yet managed to eradicate fully.

‘Elisabeth.’ Their tempo picked up and she caught her breath. He lowered his head, his lips brushing hers. ‘Come for me.’

His hand was at her breast, his thumb hard on her nipple as he trailed his mouth across her cheek then captured her earlobe with his teeth.

That was all it took. His words in her ears, the lightning bolt of erotic energy from there to her nipple to her pelvis. His thrusts turned urgent and she heard a high-pitched keening as he drove deep. Her taut body reached its limit and spasmed in ecstasy. A second later he followed, spending himself in frantic shudders that reignited her own rapture, his deep-throated groan of completion primal and somehow moving.

Bess held him tight in the glowing aftermath, her body and mind reluctant to return to earth. When she did it was to notice how tightly he wrapped her to him, rolling onto his back so she lay boneless above him.

Her eyes drifted shut as she promised herself just a moment or two in his arms before moving away.

Her last, confusing thought was that she hadn’t expected simple lust to be like this. Her imagination was working overtime because, as peace settled over her, this felt like more than mere physical satisfaction.

It felt like Jack had filled the emotional emptiness she’d experienced ever since that day of awful revelation in Paris. If sleep hadn’t claimed her, she’d have been appalled.


‘DEARFRIENDS,WEAREgathered here to celebrate the loving union of Freya and Michael.’

Jack watched the bride and groom turn to each other. They looked radiant, as if they couldn’t believe life could be so good.

Had he ever looked that way?

Of course not. Since childhood he’d never believed the romantic fiction of soul mates. His parents had ensured that.

Yet he’d been happy on his wedding day. Exultant even, knowing Elisabeth was the perfect partner to help him achieve his goals.

But she’d been more. There’d been no denying the instant attraction between them that had only grown as they became better acquainted. She wasn’t just beautiful, well-connected and with the social graces he required. Despite her inexperience, the sexual chemistry between them had been off the charts.

His attention shifted to her, standing to one side of her cousin. His wife was stunning. Just looking at her shortened his breath and stirred his blood.

She wore a slim-fitting dress of burnished dark orange. It made her glow like some fabled treasure or a bright flame. That was a better analogy. He thought of how she’d gone up in flames last night, of how their urgent passion had seared him. He’d known they’d still be spectacular together but he hadn’t been prepared for the conflagration that had engulfed him.

Had ten months without sex heightened his senses to acute levels? Or the piquant mix of unresolved emotions?

He’d kissed her and she’d all but destroyed him. He’d been on the verge of taking her against a tree on the edge of the beach where anyone could have found them. That would have been a fatal error. It had required every scintilla of self-control to pull back as if he’d had second thoughts about sex.

As if!

But better that Elisabeth be the one to insist so vehemently that she wanted him than for him to seduce her. That would have been disastrous. Jack refused to allow her any excuse to withdraw from him again. That simply wasn’t an option.