‘You thought wrong,’ I said.

I walked around the bed, and placed my palm on her cheek, unable to prevent myself from touching her. I could feel the warmth of her blush. I brushed my thumb over her full bottom lip, and her tremble of response echoed in my groin.

The towel around my hips lifted and her gaze darted to the reaction I couldn’t hide.

‘I... I don’t think I can do it again just yet,’ she said with a lack of guile which only captivated me more.

I let out a rough chuckle. I didn’t want to be enchanted, but how the hell could I stop myself? ‘Ignore it. As I said, I have no control over my body’s reaction. But I do not have to act on it.’

She nodded, and the blush flared across her collarbone, visible above the gown she still clung to as if it could protect her from my need.

Good to know I could beguile her too, I thought wryly.

‘How sore are you?’ I asked, as my thumb touched the pounding pulse in her neck, surprised to realise how much her answer mattered to me.

She looked away. ‘It’s fine,’ she said, embarrassed. ‘You were very gentle.’

I knew I hadn’t been as gentle as I could have been. But I felt stupidly grateful that she seemed okay.

I took her hand, to lead her into the bathroom. ‘Let’s get you washed up,’ I said, the urge to take care of her another novel experience.

Doesn’t mean anything. Just that she is your first virgin.

As the thought occurred to me, I knew I would never take another virgin, not if I could help it. Surely that was why I felt this strange sense of responsibility, this wave of protectiveness towards her. Another new experience I did not particularly like...or know how to handle.

She tugged on her hand. ‘It’s okay, I can do that myself when I get back to my hotel.’

I kept my grip firm on hers, before shifting round and lifting her easily onto the marble vanity unit. ‘Let me,’ I said, as I gently eased the gown from her hands, and handed her a towel to cover herself.

Her blush was so vivid now it was practically glowing. But she nodded.

I took my time, soaking a flannel, easing her thighs apart and wiping away the evidence of our love-making, and her lost virginity. She tensed slightly as I finished.

But as I glanced up, concerned I might have hurt her, what I saw on her face was arousal.

I tensed. The desire to tear off that damn mask, and take her again, all but overwhelming.

‘Don’t look at me like that,Principessa,’ I said, the need turning my erection to iron. ‘Or I may break another of my golden rules.’

‘What golden rule?’ she asked, as if she really didn’t know.

I clasped her neck, dragged her mouth to mine, then forced myself to place a chaste kiss on her forehead. ‘Don’t ask.’

I flung the flannel in the laundry basket and scooped her into my arms.

She let go of the towel to cling to my neck and need fired through my body again at the sight of her breasts bared to my gaze.

But I could see the glow of emotion in her expression, so I forced myself not to join her as I placed her on the bed and covered her with the quilt.

‘Go to sleep,’ I said, as she stared at me, her gaze showing a depth of emotion which scared me even more than the pounding need I could not hide.

She had no idea who I really was. The things I’d done to survive, to prosper, and for the first time in a long time I was ashamed of that man.

‘You’re not going to join me?’ she asked, her innocence all but crucifying me.

‘Soon, I have a few things to do first,’ I lied.

She nodded and then curled into a ball and fell instantly to sleep.