Page 7 of Songs of Sacrament

Her skin had paled, so that she appeared nearly ivory. She held herself upright but she, like the rest of us, wore simple clothing meant for comfort and ease of movement, not for approaching Mother’s luxurious throne. The rest of the team were used to the court and our position in it, but Lira knew nothing.Fuck. I wish I’d thought to stop and let her change. Her discomfort was like a second heartbeat in my mind as we paused at a length from the thrones and bowed.

I walked closer and lowered myself before Mother, touching her feet. She met my gaze and gave me an affectionate smile filled with relief. When we’d discussed this plan a few months ago, she hadn’t wanted us to risk infiltrating the Seelie palace. She worried the potential danger for my team was too great but left the decision to me.

I stood again and retreated beside my team, tucking my hands behind my back. “Maharani.”

Mother rose, the fabric of her sari unspooling, and she pressed her hands together. “Prince Sai, I speak for our entire court when I say we’re glad to see you and each member of your team return safely.” She skimmed over the group, offering them each a nod and small smiles.

I pulled the cloth-wrapped globe from my bag and the necklaces from my pocket. Guards had closed the room behind us and only Mother’s closest advisors who already knew of our mission were in attendance. “We present to you the Memoria Globe of the Alegre fairies and the zevars of both Prince Shaan and Prince Lennox of the Seelie.”

Shaan dashed his face up at Lennox’s name, his eyes widening.

Mother nodded. “Well done to each of you.” She paused again to meet the eyes of each being, Ishir and Orman, Neia and Elisa, Luz and me, then Lira. “You’ve brought someone else with you as well. Please introduce your guest to the court, Prince Sai.”

My heart thundered about, and I couldn’t meet Lira’s eyes. If I found fear there, it would only fuel my uncertainty. If, rather, I found the disdain and anger I’d seen in our days of travel, it would leave me too uneasy. Goddess, this entire thing—from the moment of agreeing to help Lira forward—was a massive gamble. I knew Mother would back my decisions, regardless of her feelings on them, but I suddenly hoped for her approval desperately, as if I were a child again.

I rose to my full height. “It is my honor, Maharani, to introduce to you Lira,”—I swallowed a lump in my throat—“my wife.”

Mother shot her face towards Lira again and the court murmured behind her. Mother raised a hand, bracelets sliding down her arm, and everyone went silent. Shaan looked at me a second time. He had so many questions, but I didn’t have answers.

Mother stepped closer. Lira was tall, but she seemed to diminish as she sank away from the force of a person my mother was. Shit. I should have prepared Lira better for this meeting. Or perhaps not announced her as my wife publicly. Then again, no. I had to. We were about to face repercussions from me ‘stealing’ her, and the court needed to know it wasn’t a random being that was threatened, but a princess of the Prasanna. Because regardless of Lira’s feelings about it, she would have the full protection of my court as my wife would.

Mother pressed her hands together and bowed. “Namaste, beti. It is a pleasure to meet you, and I am very happy to welcome you to the city of the Prasanna.”

Lira lifted her chin and offered an uncertain smile. “The pleasure, Maharani, is mine.” She curtsied with such grace, she sparkled despite the lack of adornment she wore.

Mother turned to face the members of the court. “As you can see, Prince Sai’s mission was successful, and he has brought news of a personal nature. Because of that, I ask for privacy for our family so we may welcome our new daughter more intimately.”

The fairies rose and walked out of the room, their feet clacking against the tile floor, until the last exited and pulled the massive doors shut behind her.

Father walked up. I bowed to touch his feet, and he pulled me into his arms.

“I’m filthy. You’ll ruin your clothing.”

He laughed and hugged me again. “Do you truly think I care about that, beta?”

I smiled and clapped his back. The last month had been a dozen levels of hell in some ways, and it was nice to arrive home and have his familiar scent and the comforting stability both my parents offered surrounding me again.

Mother reached for the globe, and I handed it to her. She peeled the silk covering back. “If you don’t mind, priy,” she said to Luz, “we’ll have our scholars look at this before releasing it to you.”

Luz bowed. “That’s no problem, Maharani.”

“Now, I know you all are exhausted. Off to rest. Amyra, please take Lira to…” Mother darted her gaze to me, and there was scrutiny and a question in her expression. Was this a ruse of some sort? Did I want this girl placed somewhere away from my private rooms? It wasn’t a love match, exactly, but I meant it when I made that vow. She had full rights to my name and everything that came with it. I gave a subtle nod and Mother continued speaking to Amyra. “Sai’s quarters.”

Amyra smiled warmly at Lira, and they left along with Father and the rest of the group. Neia released the kind of laugh she only allowed herself when we’d made it through a job. It sank into me that we were safe, home, and back under the protection of our court. I could finally let my guard down, even release my wards if I wanted. The subtle buzz of them swept down my arms and I gave my head a shake. Hell was about to break loose in our lives. I could feel it as much as the weight of the necklaces I still held. The time for letting my guard down had long passed.

Mother raised her eyebrows. “Sai, I wish to speak with you alone.”

“Yes, Mother.”

I approached Shaan, who the dismissal was for, and opened my hand, offering the necklaces. He reached out and scooped them up, his fingers brushing over the stones but lingering on the sapphire. “You brought Lennox’s?”

“He had them knotted together”—I gestured to the strings that remained tangled—“and we had to make a quick exit.”

Shaan stared at the jewels. “He wore my zevar?”

His voice held a desperation in it that sent a twist through my gut. It made me want to tear Lennox apart. “I… Yes, he did.”

Shaan gave his head a shake before curling his fingers over the necklaces. “Thank you, Sai.”