Page 55 of Songs of Sacrament

What if this time cost her life, though?

“All right,” I heaved the words from me. “Let’s go.”

Jessamine rocked on her feet then led the way. Our group crept along a small deer path that curved around the edge of the cave. Sea spray wisped across us as my damp hair stuck to my cheeks and the ocean crashed against the cliff face. I raised my hand to stall everyone and turned on Jessamine. Something hadn’t sat right with me as I considered her story. As we’d slowly made our way closer to the cave, my thoughts continued whirling, building into a shadow realm of fears and unease. “I don’t understand how you ended up trapped here in the first place.”

Jessamine’s eyes darted to the fog-shrouded sea, across Luz, Orman, and Elisa, then back to me before she whispered, “My ship crashed on the rocks.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You’re a pirate.”

That had to be the case. No official fae or human vessels crossed this area, it was too dangerous and riddled with wild creatures. It was an excellent way for pirates to slip past tariffs, however, with its craggy cliffs and empty waters. The risk often paid off, but occasionally the sea got the last word.

Jessamine placed her hands on her hips. “We all have to put food on the table.”

“Were you a pirate when you met Sai?”

She grinned and curled her thumb into one of her belt loops. “Sai has always had a taste for danger, hasn’t he?” I bit back a groan. That was true though it didn’t always serve him. Jessamine was proving to be a perfect example. “Who’s that mouse he’s with now?”

Luz’s lips thinned before they answered. “Not a mouse, that’s for sure. Be careful of casting judgements too quickly. You might do so to your own detriment.”

They stared at each other, tension buzzing over the wind. Luz looked ready to pounce her, and—pirate or no—I’d put my money on Luz.

Orman kicked a foot back against a rock. “I’m only interested in talking about who fucked around with who if I’m involved in the fucking. Now, how do we mean to go about this?”

Luz licked their lips but gave a curt nod. They’d been protective of Lira since we’d met her, and it had only increased after the time they spent together at the Seelie palace. But they were also an excellent member of this team, and they knew how important these heart stones were. They wouldn’t pick a fight senselessly. Sai and his family needed those heart stones. Jessamine swiped golden strands of hair out of her eyes. “We need to distract the Rakshasa. I can do that as I’m already familiar with the layout of the cave. It’s quite dark.”

Luz tensed, their eyes narrowing.

Jessamine rested her hand on the sword at her hip. “You four follow the wall to the right. If you don’t let go, it will lead you to the nest at the back. I’ll pulse light to distract the Rakshasa away from it and you can use the illumination to find the heart stones. Then stick to the wall again to make your way back out.”

Luz glared at them. “It’s as simple as that, is it?”

Jessamine shifted so that her boot slid an arc over the sand-littered stone beneath her feet. “Do you have another idea?”

Luz kept their penetrating stare on her before shaking their head. “I’m not buying it. There’s something you’re hiding.”

Jessamine’s lips parted, and she gestured to the rest of us before addressing Luz. “I’m nervous, that’s what you're picking up on, Alegre.” Her words came sharp, like she jabbed them. “This place was the home of my nightmares, and I barely escaped.”

“So, you know I’m Alegre?” Luz asked. “You’re right and I’ve picked up that you're trying to hide emotions. You’ve done a shit job of it so far.”

Jessamine frowned and Elisa looked like she wanted to step into the middle and peace-make, but I grabbed her knuckles. This was Luz’s area of expertise, and I trusted their perception and intuition. If they didn’t like Jessamine, I didn’t either. Well, I hadn’t liked Jessamine from the start and Luz confirmed my feelings. Elisa’s brow furrowed, but she slid her fingers between mine and kept her thoughts to herself.

“You’re Alegre and I’m Froh.” Jessamine raised to her full height. “Both our courts are diminished, are they not? Yes, I’m trying to cover my emotions because I’m terrified and don’t want to scare your team off. I know how good you lot are.” She looked at all of us before speaking again. “Sai and his group are whispered about among pirates, ya’ know?”

Luz crossed their arms and firmed their stance like they wouldn’t move a muscle closer to the cave.

Jessamine thrust her hands out. “My life was destroyed on these rocks. Most of my crew died either in the crash or”—she shivered—“by the hands and teeth of the Rakshasa. I am scared to return to this place, but there are two heart stones in there. You can read me, so you know I’m telling the truth. I need the money the Prasanna will pay. Freedom and life is swell, but I need coin—a fair amount of it—to buy a new ship and not end up on the streets.” She turned in my direction, and a ripple of discomfort coursed through me. I knew how desperate that could make a person because I’d been there.

“So, you just waited around here hoping we’d show up?” Luz asked.

“No. I returned only yesterday and sent thrushes to a few old friends of mine…”

“Pirates, you mean?” I asked.

Jessamine hissed through her teeth. “Yes, I’m a saints damned pirate and my friends are pirates too. We’ve established that, and it feels hypocritical for you lot to judge me for it.”

Orman grunted. “We ain’t judging you, mate, we’re just not trusting our lives to some fae that follows pirate code. It’s not personal.”

Luz skimmed over all of us, Jessamine with her intense stare, Elisa whose skin had paled, Orman who teetered a rock under the ball of his foot and looked bored, then they met my gaze and held it. I didn’t trust Jessamine and everything in me wanted to turn back and wait for Sai. His magic would be useful in here. We didn’t have another Prasanna fairy with us, and most couldn’t manage memory magic the way he could. Plus, he had his shadows.