Page 82 of His Angel

“We could just move the beds around if you want us all together,” Jacob says, coming to my side. “But is having Leo and I on the other side of a wall really that much of an issue?”


Nick was twisted up enough when he had to wait for Jacob to get back after the last challenge, there’s no way I want to put him through that again.

Interestingly enough, the solution is the other side of the door that Wyatt guards with a grin. “You’re going to love this,” he says, opening the door and stepping back.

He’s already pulled back the two sets of floor-length double curtains, a fully stocked reading bench set into one, but it’s the massive bed that draws everyone’s attention.

“That has got to be two beds together,” Leo says, heading straight over and looking around the edge.

“No, I’ve seen these on social media. It’s like a family bed or something,” Jacob says as we all follow him over.

“It’s massive,” I say in awe. Six pillows lay across the headboard, jacquard bedding with silver, red, and gold threaded throughout. Like marble.

“All the girls say that,” Jacob replies with a wink, nudging my arm before kicking off his shoes and climbing on the bed. “Come on.”

He holds his hands out for me, pulling me on and standing me up as he starts to bounce, dragging me and my laughter along with him. Before I even realise it, the four of us are jumping on the bed like a bunch of children, laughing and giggling. Someone starts a pillow fight and I duck out, carefully jumping down and heading further into the suite to explore.

There are two double bathrooms, marble inlaid everywhere, a shower with more heads than even the five of us would need, and a free-standing tub that must be wide enough for even Nick and Jacob’s shoulders to fit comfortably, the thing might as well be a jacuzzi for eight it’s that big, and I can only imagine how long it would take to fill.

Oh, and how quickly it would empty with us all in, hot, wet skin…

“That looks like fun,” Wyatt comments from behind me, making me jump. “But did you see the wardrobes?”

He takes my hand, dragging me away from the thoughts of us all sliding in the bubbles and bringing me back to reality.

The two triple walk-ins are amazing, there are no other words for it. This suite is something else. Well, they’re all pretty awesome, expensive and luxurious, but this, this was made for us. It had to be.

“You could stay in the bubble as long as you want to if we were here,” Wyatt says, his hands resting on my hips.

He’s right.

I wouldn’t have to sleep alone in that room. I wouldn’t have to face the emptiness that consumes me ninety per cent of the time. The limb I’m missing.

Leo and Jacob are busy logging in to the apps of the TV, sprawled out on the U-shaped sofa sharing a bean bag footstool, and something akin to hope blossoms. We could do this, share a space, support, friendship, and more.

“Is it weird?” I ask, dropping onto the sofa beside Leo, the heat from his leg pressing against mine as I turn to face him. “If we’re like… staying together like this.”

“Only if you let it be,” he replies with a shrug. “I’m not here to put a label on anything, ever. I can be your friend, I can be your lover, and so can anyone else. Nick might not like it, but he was certainly on board with everything while he had his dick buried—”

“Yep, thank you,” I cut him off, waving my hand in the air.

“He’s only saying what we’re all thinking, Ivy,” Wyatt continues. “This isn’t us vying for scraps of your attention and us waiting for any small amount of time you have for us. This is us all, you included, saying that we need each other, and we work well together, and we’re willing to care and support each other through whatever else is coming our way.”

“Of course, you’re welcome to stay in the makeshift bubble downstairs,” Jacob says, interrupting the thoughtful silence that follows Wyatt’s declaration. “But the wardrobe space is fucking horrendous, and I’m assuming returning to the pool house is probably a no-go.”

“Thanks for the positivity,” Wyatt says with a roll of his eyes.

Fuck, this is a lot.

Yesterday morning I was complaining to Tamsin about the mascara I brought with me, and trying to find out why hers are so much better than mine, and now she’s gone and I’m talking about moving into a suite with four guys. Four. Not just the controlling one, or the friend I have complicated feelings for, or the one I like but shouldn’t. No, all of them. Awkward.

Except that it isn’t at all.

It’s as far from awkward as I can envisage.

“Well, I’m in,” Jacob declares. “Oliver snores, Leo’s room has the spider of doom, and I’m not spending another night where I can’t even attempt to turn over. There’s more than enough room to do that in there.”