The longing looks have been replaced with gentle touches, and the secret touches with kisses hot enough to make your toes curl. It’s interesting and exciting, and if it weren’t for the magnetism with Nick and the way I feel about Wyatt, it’s something I’d consider.
Well, now, anyway.
Tamsin has kept no secrets about how fucking hot it was with both Jasper and Taylor, and I have to admit, part of me is interested in what that might be like. A very small part, shoved somewhere deep down in the pit of my stomach, because it is not happening…
I don’t think.
You get one band. One choice.
And yeah, Nick chose me, it would make sense to pick him back, but, then, what about Wyatt? Leo and Jacob have a thing, they could totally secure each other, but I know that Wyatt is my friend, and more. He’s going to end up alone in this game. He won’t make it alone. Would Nick?
I can’t even entertain the thought of him being linked with someone else, anyone else. The very idea makes my stomach turn and lava run through my veins.
So, that should be it, shouldn’t it?
It’s just that simple.
I can’t imagine him with anyone else, so he’s the one for me, but what about Wyatt?
“Ten minutes,” Aimee calls, tapping on the door twice. “I’m making coffee and then we should be ready, okay?”
“Sure,” Tamsin replies.
Where the fuck did all that time go?
I’ve spent way too long not working on my project, day dreaming about three ways with the guys I like, and one that I can’t walk away from. And still, I have no answer about the wristband… or any work done.
Throwing the pen down in irritation gets me no further, but I do it all the same, shutting down the laptop and trying to will the heat that courses through me down.That was way too much time thinking about the Devils. Hot. Wet. Sexy. Naked.
“Are you okay?” Tamsin asks from behind me as I pop my laptop away, shoving it in the bag with more force than necessary, clearly caught out with the daydreaming, again.
“I’m good. Sorry. I thought I’d get further on this than I have, that’s all.”
“Oh, I’ve been there.” She closes her books up, stacking them all neatly on the bedside table. “I swear I was writing like a maniac, all the words were flowing and I knew exactly where I was going. I was in the zone, you know?”
I nod.
“Then I checked my word count… I’d barely added anything. So disappointing.”
I don’t think finding myself distracted all this time is exactly the same thing, but I appreciate the thought.
“I can imagine,” I reply, grabbing the stuff I need for the Big Sister training session we’re about to be late for, despite it being in our living room. “So, drugs are bad, don’t do that. That’s the line, yeah?”
“Exactly.” She nods, throwing me a pen as we head out into the living room.
Luckily, Aimee has everything set up. The TV is prepped for the meeting, the coffee cups are on the table with steam rising as we grab a spot on the sofa, joining Stephanie who’s texting on her phone.
“I can’t believe he’s even thinking about it,” she mutters under her breath. “A fucking beard, in your twenties? No way.”
“Who, Oliver?” Tamsin asks, her interest piqued as I attempt to scan through the text I should have already read.
“Ooh, he’d look kinda cute with a goatee,” Charlotte comments from the floor. “That would suit his face shape, don’t you think?”
“Maybe,” Stephanie admits. “But a beard? Like a full-on, itchy on your face, fluffy beard?”
“That’s a pass from me,” I agree, giving her a high five across Tamsin.
“I think it would be nice,” Penelope says, dropping into one of the chairs and grabbing her mug. “They’re perfect for sitting on too.” She winks.