Page 56 of His Angel

“So, you didn’t let him know you were home with her?” I clarify, trying to remember what I asked him to do, what’s been half-assed for pussy. What’s been missed?

“Nah, man. He just turned up.”

Thank fuck for that.



“Thank you for coming,” Ivy says, holding herself back from the hug I’m sure she wants to give me.

Tamsin, however, does no such thing, wrapping her arms around me, her cloying perfume still a cloud even after all these hours. “We absolutely need to do this again.”

“Sure,” I agree to both of them, managing to extricate myself and slide into the back of the taxi without any further issues.

“So, next town over?” the driver asks, seeking clarification as we pull away, the gravel crunching beneath the tyres.

“Just outside the main gates here is fine,” I correct, waving through the windows.

“But the lady said—”

“I know what she said,” I interrupt. “And just outside the gates is fine.”

He’s probably not impressed that his big fare just shrunk significantly, but that’s not my problem. At least it means he keeps conversation to a minimum as we pass under the huge trees, the house behind us disappearing in the dense foliage before we pull out into the light of the campus.

And isn’t that some kind of metaphor?

Down a dark, dark driveway there’s a large, large house. In the large, large house seven Devils live.

It only takes a few minutes for us to leave the campus completely, pulling out onto the main road as I gesture for him to pull over. I pay him for the fare he expected, and, as the car lights flash from the opposite side of the road, he checks I’m okay before leaving me high and dry.

Good job I am, isn’t it?

I was in more danger in that house than out here, not that he’d ever understand that.

The sleek black car pulls forward slightly as I cross the road, climbing into the back without a word. The locks engage as we pull away, the soft leather as familiar as the cigar smoke that curls from the front.

“You good?” he asks.

Just two words, but they hold more meaning, and more questions than you could ever imagine. My head pushes back into the seat, the engine roaring beneath us practically a picture of his unhinged response to my lack of reply.


The engine eases, my thighs clenching as I stutter out a breath that I know he can’t hear. I don’t know if it’s from being out here, free-ish, or being around those girls, but I’m all kinds of pent-up.

They’re beautiful and talented, and they take whatever they want without thought or question. It’s as infuriating as it is admirable because they don’t intend any negative outcome, and yet, someone else always pays the price for privilege.

There’s no first class without economy, and I’m as economy as it comes. Not that anyone there treated me that way. Still, it’s all just a role I need to play, a small piece in a big picture.

He doesn’t attempt to make any conversation, not that I expect him to, and the combination of the alcohol I’ve had and the engine purring has me at least a little drowsy before we eventually make it back to my place, because, of course, that’s where I belong.

Not with Ivy and her friends, and certainly not with him.

The two-bed terrace is dilapidated, at best, surrounded by other shitty houses, all of which are probably worth less than the striking car I’m sitting in, not that anyone around here would ever dare comment on it.

“Is it done?” he asks, turning off the engine and catching my gaze in his mirror.

Delicious darkness swirls there, something that I know deep in the core of me only promises pain, but like the moth to the flame, I can’t help but be drawn to him. He holds my gaze until I nod, the only confirmation he needs from me tonight.