Page 54 of His Angel

We’d be out of sight and out of mind, finally making something of ourselves, supposedly. Yes, that‘s what we’re supposed to be doing, not being distracted by pretty girls and tight pussies, but fuck if she isn’t worth being distracted for.

As if conjured by nothing more than my thoughts, Ivy appears briefly in the doorway, her simple silk dress transformed with lace and some sparkly shit that shines as she moves. As quickly as she appears, she’s gone, lost in the throng of people.

“You’d better wipe that smile off your face,” Jacob says light-heartedly. “People will think you’re approachable and start talking to you, and we both know you don’t want that.”

There’s no stress ball to throw at him down here, and certainly not in the middle of a celebration, so I just throw a smirk in his direction instead. “They’d soon realise their mistake when they attempt to make conversation.”

“Ooh, so hostile,” he jokes, moving to stand beside me.

“I have no details I’m willing to share, so don’t even bother,” I say, cutting him off at the pass. “If you want to gossip, what’s going on with you and Leo?”

Don’t think I didn’t notice him hovering around, always nearby, always watching. I’m not that much of a self-centred prick to think it’s because of me and not my twin brother that he has eyes for.

It’s that very same attraction that means he has never once got the two of us mixed up. Yeah, sure, people figure it out eventually. We’re not the same, despite how our looks might contradict that, but there is not one single occasion he’s got us confused, and there’s likely a reason for that.

“It’s complicated,” he admits.

“Because he still wants Ivy.”

He’s stupid if he thinks I’ve missed how Leo looks at her, taking almost any opportunity to get up close and personal with her, it’s the same thing he does with Jacob, which is probably why it’s so irritating. The intent is clear, and annoying as fuck, even more so now she has my band around her wrist.

So what if mine’s empty? That doesn’t mean anything. She’ll come to her senses eventually, I’m sure.

“As I said, it’s complicated.” He sighs, taking a swig of the beer much colder than mine.

“Well, good catch-up. I’m going to go do a quick sweep and gather up any empty glasses and bottles. Try to get us ahead of the chaos that comes later,” I say.

“Good plan,” he replies. “I’ll help.”

We set off in opposite directions, Jacob heading for the dining room whilst I make moves to the movie room. The lights are half up, the film being played but not watched by the dozen or so people gathered in the centre of the room.

Nobody pays me much attention as I wander around the room, until Leo notices what I’m doing, peeling away from the group to give me a hand before joining them again with nothing but a chin lift. I don’t know what his game is, but I’ll figure it out.

The bottles land in the nearest bin a little louder than probably needed, but nobody says anything as I gather up the empty glasses and head to the kitchen to drop them off. Jacob winks as we pass each other, him on his way in, and me on my way out.

Grabbing a bag, I head into the entranceway, gathering glasses on a side table and throwing rubbish in the bag when movement upstairs catches my attention.

“For fuck’s sake,” I grumble. We’ve been more than clear about it being off-limits, and if I find someone fucking in one of the rooms, I’m going to lose my shit.

Dumping the bag at the bottom of the stairs, I creep up, checking the first room but finding nothing. A bump comes from further down the corridor, the sound of a door closing as I carefully close Taylor and Jasper's door. It wouldn’t have surprised me to find them both in there with Tamsin, party or no party, but that noise isn’t here.

I check the room next door, not expecting anything, but there’s definitely someone up here, and now, I want to know who, and why. There’s nothing out of place in my room, and it’s only as I go to close the door, I realise the bathroom light is on.

Closing the door behind me, I cross the room, the sound of running water catching me off guard.

“Hello?” I call, knowing for certain that Wyatt’s downstairs and there is no other reason for someone to be in here.

But no one answers, and my hand is almost on the handle, insecurity holding me back when it opens, Ruby turning the light off before she almost walks right into me.

“Woah, shit,” she says, pulling up short. “Sorry, Ivy said it would be okay to use your bathroom.”

“Uh, yeah. Sure, that’s cool,” I say, looking quickly around the bathroom before stepping back.

“Someone was in the one downstairs and when you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go,” she explains, straightening the top of her dress.

“Ah, yes,” I agree. “Shall I walk you back down?”

I don’t know why, but my gut still tells me something’s off. Perhaps she didn’t hear me over the water running, and maybe I’ve just followed her up and there’s nothing untoward going on at all, but something inside me says that’s not what’s happening.