“You think I’m pissed off because I got hurt?” I huff out a disbelieving laugh. “I was terrified. I thought you all came to kill me.” The admission falls from my lips in a whisper, Leo’s security tightening around me.
“We would never,” Wyatt says soothingly, reaching out for me once again. “We would never hurt you. You have to believe that. Nick might be hard-headed, but he cares more about you than you give him credit for.”
“Fucking looks like it,” I clip, my breath shuddering in and out as I push back the fear and panic clawing at the back of my throat.
His gentle hands come to my forearms, carefully drawing me from the security of Leo’s embrace to face the truths that he has to offer.
“How do I get it off? Take it back. I don’t want this.”
The admission is bitter on my tongue, because part of me does want it. I do want to be cared for and protected. I do want whatever this magnetism is between Nick and me. But I don’t want it to be chosen for me.
“Nick claimed you in front of two of The Devils, there is no taking this back. Your life is now intertwined with his,” Wyatt explains softly. “Can I take you somewhere, show you something?”
I eye him warily through my lashes, not sure who or what in this absurd game I can believe or trust.
Acquiescing, I take a step towards him.
“I’m coming too,” Leo demands from behind me, his protective heat a balm I didn’t realise I needed.
I trust Wyatt.
He’s kind, sweet, and he makes me laugh.
He’s broken the tension and soothed my pain unintentionally and without looking for anything in return on more than one occasion.
And then, there’s this.
It might have been Nick bathing in my fear and blossoming under its weight, but it was Wyatt that set it all in motion, Leo willing to protect the pieces left at the end of the day.
Mostly, I want to curl up and hide in my bed, hoping that a new day will bring a whole new perspective, new thoughts and new ideas that will make this okay, but without this explanation and understanding, how can that ever come?
“It’s fine, I’ll go,” I agree with a deep breath.
“Why don’t you stay with me?” Jacob asks, looking at Leo hopefully. “I can explain…”
The flare of Leo’s agitation certainly doesn’t have Jacob shrinking back, though. If anything, he stands taller, his confidence bigger than the genteel placating tone his words come out with, until he says, “Or you could tag along with them like the left-out lovesick puppy you’re acting right now.”
I can almost imagine him flicking his hair over his shoulder and storming out, much like his brother just did, but jealousy is an interesting look on him.
My amusement falls out on a laugh as I step towards Wyatt, not quite ready to take his hand but feeling more prepared for the explanation I know is almost here.
“Get my number from Tamsin and text me, I’ll let you know I make it back safely,” I say to Leo. “And hear him out. If I’m going to, then you should too.” I squeeze Leo’s arm reassuringly, with a smile that doesn’t meet my eyes, before making my way to the stairs, Wyatt hot on my heels.
“Hey, what did I miss?” Tamsin asks as I make my way back through the entrance way. “Apparently, even best friend status doesn’t get you access to whatever’s going on down there.”
She steps out of one of the rooms, her dark hair sleep mussed despite her flawless makeup. Taylor can’t be far away. It hits me like a sledgehammer that he used her last night, to get to me, and she doesn’t even know—clearly doesn’t remember.
There’s no point in bringing it all up now though, starting an argument between them really isn’t fair. I know misery likes company, but it’s too far for me.
“I’m fine, it’s nothing important.” I sigh, exhaustion coming over me. “Wyatt’s just taking me for some fresh air, I’ll fill you in later.”
Wyatt appears behind me, a bottle of orange juice in one hand and a couple of waters in the other before he ducks through a doorway.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she asks, seemingly picking up on the tension. “I can give you a hand with that paper if you need it?”The out she thinks I need.
“It’s not the paper, but thanks. I’ll catch you in a bit.” I follow the direction Wyatt went, through the doorway and into a garage, catching the flicking of the lights on his Alpha Romeo before climbing in.