Page 10 of His Angel

“No retreat and no surrender,” I repeat.

“You’ve got this, and I’ll have my phone to hand whenever you need me,” he adds.

“Thank you.”

Not for being the one to suggest this course of action, or for ultimately being the one who brought this on me. That’s going to take more than a trip down memory lane, no matter how bad it is, but for being the one to try and explain the reasoning, for attempting to include me in this merry band of bastards that we’ve become.

With one final, deep breath, I smile. Still empty. Still vacuous. But ready.

They’ve tipped my entire world over, again, and now it’s time for me to piece it together.

“And text Leo,” he adds, my hand on the handle. “I’ll let him know I’m back, but he’ll want to hear it from you.”

“Will do.” I nod, climbing from the car.

I don’t look back—I can’t.

I know there’s only pain there for me right now.

Once I’ve calmed down, once I’ve processed, then I’ll be able to face him, to deal with the decisions they’ve made. Until then, they’ll wait. They’ll have to.

“Sorry I’m late,” I call, closing the front door behind me and locking it, forcing more cheer than I thought I could manage into my voice.

“Congratulations,” Liselle sings, her excitement a stone in my stomach as I force the smile onto my face.

“Thanks, I guess,” I say, joining them all in the living area and dropping onto the floor in front of Tamsin.At least this way I don’t have to face them all.

“I was just explaining to everyone the logistics of your situation. I’m assuming you’ll be moving into the big house now that you and…”

“Nick,” I reply.

“Yes, now that you and Nicholas have claimed each other.”

“Well, it’s not quite like that,” I hedge.


“He claimed her,” Tamsin interrupts. “It’s not been reciprocated, yet.” Her hand on my shoulder is a comfort I appreciate more than words can say as I try to keep a cap on the emotions tumbling around my head.

“I see,” Liselle says, surprised but otherwise unphased. “Well, it still stands. The two of you are mirrored now, so if you want to move there or he wants to move here, accommodations can be made.”

I nod, not trusting my mouth if I open it. I can already imagine the thoughts swarming around my head spewing out unfiltered.

Accommodations can be made.Ha.

There isn’t room for him here, we’re already a full house. So, what? They’re going tomakespace? Get rid of someone? It wouldn’t surprise me if they did. And if I go to their house, what happens to Wyatt? Nothing by my hand, that’s for certain.

“So, just to recap. Request in writing, the address is on the fridge, and it must be witnessed by two or more of The Devils. Ladies, be sure about your choice, because there’s no going back.”


Confirmation of how fucked I am is exactly what I was looking for right now.

“And in situations like Ivy’s, what’s the system there?” Charlotte asks.

She’s not the person I thought would have me in mind, and it takes me by surprise. My gaze flicks to hers to see the sadness she’s been carrying for the past few weeks. Clearly, there was more to her relationship with George than we knew or saw.

“That’s a touch more complicated,” she ponders. “You’re tied to him regardless, but you also get a choice here. There’s no need to decide right away, but I wouldn’t wait too long to make a decision. Someone else may make it for you.”