Page 67 of His Angel

And suddenly, it all makes sense. We aren’t all back safely, yet. I might be here with him, but Jacob is still out there.

“We were the first ones out of there, I’m sure he’ll be back any minute.”

He nods, pressing his lips together as his gaze finally comes to mine, his vulnerability a gift I wasn’t expecting to receive today. I stand awkwardly on the other side of the island, wanting to go to him, to comfort him, but I’m not sure what I’m soothing, if anything.

But I feel it still, that apprehension.

Until the door sounds, Stephanie’s voice carrying through. It’s not the sound either of us was expecting as we both train our ears to find out who’s back.

“Ooh, nice flowers,” Charlotte comments as I move towards the doorway automatically.

Maybe the girls came first, chivalry and all that.

“And they’re for Leo,” Aimee continues, plucking a card from the fresh bunch we walked straight past.

“What’s for me?” he asks, stepping through the doorway, Jacob behind him deep in conversation with Jasper.

I feel the sigh of relief puff from Nick, his heat on my back as we wait for everyone else to come back.

“Lily, Rose, and Hedera.” Charlotte nods. “An interesting combination. Personally, I prefer Calla Lilies, but I guess it works. Who are they from?”

Leo takes the card from her, his dark gaze flicking over one side and then the other before sliding it back into the holder. “No idea.” He shrugs.

“Well, they’re not from me,” Jacob says, placing a kiss on his cheek before heading our way with a smile and a wink. “If you’ve got some kind of secret admirer, we’re gonna have a problem.”

“As if.” Leo rolls his eyes, following him into the kitchen.

As does just about everyone else, and it looks like we’re all back apart from the happy couple. Nick squeezes my shoulder, my head resting back against his chest before we move, going back into the kitchen with everyone else.

“Wyatt and Oliver are playing something in the den,” I say, plucking a couple of bottles of water from the side and handing one over to Nick. “If anyone else wants to join them.”

“How about we put the rest of that series on?” Aimee asks, looking at Jasper.

“Sure.” He shrugs, completely missing the interest in her eyes.

Eventually, we all grab drinks, most of us settling in the movie room to watch some magical romance thing with heart whatever and people who control metal or wind or something… no idea.

The lights dim, Jacob and Leo taking one sofa whilst Nick and I take another, settling in for God knows how long of this stuff.

When the second episode begins, somewhere around a million hours later and it looks like everyone is settling in for the duration, I decide to head back. To see if Tamsin and Taylor went to ours instead.

I’m not sure how good an idea that is, or what I might be walking into.Maybe I should send Jasper instead.No, she’s my best friend, I’m sure they’re just decompressing or whatever, but I need to see it with my own two eyes.

“I’ll walk you back,” Nick says, standing.

“I’m good. It’s literally across the pool. I think I can manage.”

“I’m sure you said that about turning the sauna on,” he replies with a smirk.

I flip him the bird before grabbing my phone and mask and heading out, thanking everyone else for their company, but, of course, he follows.

Silently, we make our way through the kitchen and to the sliding glass doors.

“I’m more than capable of getting myself home, you know?”

“Oh, I know,” he says, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I just wanted a minute with you, that’s all.”

“That’s all, huh?” I huff out a laugh, the stress of earlier on finally tempered, a tired contentedness seeping in at the edges as he pulls me back against his chest.I guess that’s what spending way too long in a darkened room doing your best to avoid the sexual tension wrapping around you will do.