Page 26 of His Angel

And we’ll certainly not talk about the desire to rush over there like some insane stalker and demand she confirms everything’s okay, and maybe get a sneaky peek at how the whole thing is going for myself. But I can’t controleverything,no matter how badly I want to.

Or at least that’s what Jacob says.

The guys bluster various words of disagreement, but who cares? Leo and Wyatt are over there and I’m not.

The decision was made to let the single guys go, they need all the help they can get to secure an Angel. Not that Leo is exactly single, as such, but my spinelesslittle brotherdid nothing more than shrug his shoulders when it was suggested, so fuck knows what’s going on with them right now.

“I’m not worried,” Taylor gloats. “Tamsin finds any excuse to get me alone, she’s insatiable. Remember the mixer? Well, she called me up later for me tostop by,if you catch my drift, and that was only the first night.”

“What, with Ivy right there?” I ask.

“We were quiet and quick,” he explains, finally picking a match. “I had to get back to the clean-up mission.”

I pause, my character stopping on the screen before getting shot dead.

“Wait, you’re the reason that building was missed, why it was such a complete shitshow,” I say, turning to glare at the side of his head.

“Sorry, man.” He shrugs.

“You’re the reason George lost it, got his leg broken, and then just fucking disappeared. That’s all down to you…” Jacob attempts to confirm.

“George lost it because he shoved too much white powder up his nose and then didn’t sleep it off,” Taylor argues.

“And it was his mouth running that got his leg broken, and his shitty treatment of Charlotte that got him kicked out,” Oliver counters. “None of that is down to Taylor. That’s on George.”

“No, but me having to haul ass across campus with ten minutes to go and Leo fucking Windsor helping me out is.”

“Bitter?” Oliver asks with a smirk.

“Fuck you.”

The game goes from bad to worse as I mentally categorise every move he’s made from then to date. Was he late? Away when he wasn’t supposed to be? What other things that have gone wrong can be put down to his damn dick?

And, oh fuck, I told Ivy he was in it with Tamsin. I guess he is… but if he’s thinking with his cock and not his head, how long is he going to last in this game we’re playing, and what will happen to her friend should he not end up in the final three?


There’s no way in hell we’re all going to get through this in one piece.

“I’m out,” I say, shutting my console down.

I’m done with their shit for the day.

“Take your book with you,” Jacob says, grabbing something out from under his phone and thrusting it in my direction. “Leaving your shit in Leo’s room is fucking weird, bro.”

“Yeah, that’s not mine,” I reply, slapping him around the head with it.

“I thought brain teasers were your jam,” he continues as I look over the book, flicking through the pages.

“Some idiot wrote the answers in here.”

“Leo thought—”

“Don’t even fucking finish that sentence,” I clip out, cutting him off.

He mimes zipping his lips together and throwing the key away before getting hold of the pad and concentrating on the game at hand.

“I don’t give a shit what he thinks, and I certainly don’t want to know what you were doing there to end up looking after this piece of crap for him.” Oliver whistles. “But I’m sure this red edition of Code Breaking for Dummies that someone’s already completed—badly, might I add—is not mine.”