Page 22 of His Angel

“Sure.” I laugh.

He always knows just how to de-stress me, to bring the tension down. I don’t know how he manages it. Wyatt smiles before disappearing back into the bushes and down the path towards the main house, and, as I turn, it’s obvious we had the attention of more than one person in the room, all eyes trained on me.

“Sorry, I forgot to turn on the steam room,” I explain badly, turning to my room, only to find Ruby sitting on the sofa looking unimpressed. “It should be ready in half an hour.”

The two of us disappear again, closing the rest of them out, along with any comments they might have had.

“So nice of you to join me,” Ruby says, dropping back into her seat. Her usually cheery demeanour is nowhere to be seen, but, oh, wait… no, it’s just more of the same sarcasm.

Adjusting my wristlet, I join her, taking a large drink of the deep red wine. After all that, it’s more than needed. I should have brought the bottle.

“That doesn’t look like your style,” she comments, gesturing to the wristlet.

“It’s not. It was a gift.” It’s not quite the whole truth, but what am I going to say?

“But not from Tamsin,” she deduces. “She’d have got you something that matches your tastes and style.”

She’s not wrong, but it’s curious that she’s picked out this item and is finally asking questions, taking an interest.

“No, it’s not from Tamsin.”

I’m not quite sure why I don’t just tell her, but this particular item is already out of the ordinary, and for her to have picked up on that and be running with it has me on alert.

“So, it’s from a guy…”

“Yes,” I agree. “Nick.”

“That’s your boyfriend?”

“Not quite. It’s complicated.”

Isn’t that what everyone says when they don’t have an answer to give?It’s complicated. Cliché as it might be, it’s not wrong.

“I bet it is.” She hums, pondering.

Before she has time to delve any further, someone knocks on the door twice, opening it and striding in. The relief I feel is likely unwarranted, it’s not exactly an interrogation, but still… it’s something.

It’s the first time she’s shown any interest whatsoever in something, especially me.

“Uh, it looks like you have some visitors… or assistants? I’m not really sure how to explain them…” Aimee says, wide-eyed from the doorway. “Perhaps you should come and see.”

“Visitors?” I mumble, leaving my glass of wine yet again as Ruby and I follow her back into the living room. “What the hell?”

Glistening abs, dark hair, cheeky grins, and a set of twinkling eyes that are enjoying the attention way too much.

Wyatt, Leo, Jasper and Emmerson, stand there shirtless with hand towels thrown over their left arms. Their amazing bodies are completely on display, their smiles front and centre with the huge amount of attention they’re currently receiving.

If I thought it was busy with the six of us living in here, then adding six Little Sisters, two chaperones, and four half-naked hot-as-hell men makes it a million times worse.

“Is it hot in here?” I ask.

“Your wish is my command,” Wyatt says, ignoring my comment as I not so subtly fan myself. He’s beaming as he closes the distance between us, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek, those devilish butterflies doing their thing once again.

“I didn’t think you were being serious,” I reply quietly before barking out a laugh.

“Now, I know we said no boys upstairs, but surely we can make an exception for this,” Aimee says loudly, eyeing them up with interest. “Otherwise, it’s going to getreallybusy down here.”

“Hey, these are the best, most, only available right now, partially clothed people I could find,” Wyatt says with a smile. “They’re for looking at… no touching!”