Page 14 of His Angel

If she wants to silently fume, no problem, but it won’t last when we get there. Luckily we’re only a short ride from our destination, and as I pull down the stone driveway, her attention perks up.

“It looks different in the daylight,” she comments.

“Didn’t you come the other day with Wyatt?”

“Yes, but it was raining.”

I shrug. It’s not exactly mid-summer sunshine now but whatever.

Security is on the door, waiting, as I slide on my mask, climb from the car and go around to her side. Ivy does nothing when I open the door, keeping her eyes straight ahead and refusing to acknowledge me.

“I’m totally up for carrying you in there, ass to the world, but I thought you might prefer more dignity than that,” I say.

“I have no shoes on,” she replies as I look down at her feet.


I was so intent on getting in the house and getting her out that I never thought about the practicalities of what she’d be wearing. I guess it’s lucky she wasn’t sitting there in her pyjamas or something else stupidly revealing, considering the temperature out here.

“I’ll carry you, don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

I’m sure the look she gives me is supposed to wither lesser humans into dust, but all it does is make me smile. It’s probably for the best that she can’t see it behind the mask.

“I won’t tell if you don’t.” I wink.

“Maybe I’ll just wait my hour out here in the car.”

“Sure.” I shrug, grabbing her around the waist and hauling her back over my shoulder.

The security knows better than to comment as I stride up the stone steps, opening the heavy wooden doors without so much as a word, the creak echoing around the empty room as they close it behind us with an ominous thud.

“You can’t just keep doing that,” she yells, amongst other things, as I cross the room and place her on the one scrap of carpet. God knows how clean or not it is in here. Sure, the blood stains from our fight night are gone, but I’m not sure how much that means anymore.

I nod, grabbing an ancient chair from the side and dragging it over.

“I don’t know who the hell you think you are,” she continues. “You don’t own me.”

“No, but you’re still mine.”

If I thought she was pissed off before, I was wrong.

A growl rumbles from her before she flies at me, again, her tiny fists raining down anywhere she can land them as she pummels my chest and arms, but it only takes a couple of seconds to wrangle her hands together and get sat on the chair, pulling her into my lap.

She’s not impressed with that either as she wiggles around, attempting to get free. I manage to get her legs trapped between my thighs, her hands held down against the firm arm of the seat as she huffs and puffs, clearly less than impressed with me right now.

“Stop treating me like a commodity,” she grits out between clenched teeth, her chest bounding like she’s gone two rounds in the ring.

“That’s not what I’m doing.”

“You manipulated me onto that road, made a decision for me, and then you manhandle me—on more than one occasion—demanding time and attention like a fucking toddler not getting his way.”

“Don’t hold back now, sugar. This is your opportunity to get it all out. Go on, give me it. How do you really feel?” I add as much snark into the comment as I can manage, knowing that’s what pushes her, what triggers a reaction.

She might think I’m just another dick guy trying to control her life, but that’s not the intention. I’d give her the world, if she’d only give me an inch.

She wriggles and grunts, attempting to break free of my grasp. Even if she did, where would she go? The doors are locked and guarded. If she thinks she’s getting past The Sect, she’s mistaken. But then, finally, the gates open and all her frustrations tumble out.

She screams, yells, and flails in my arms.