Page 54 of Her Devil

“He’s gonna need stitches,” he says quietly, gesturing to where Emmerson sits with a cloth against Jacob’s face.

“It’s fine,” Jacob replies with a cough. “I started it.”

“What the fuck happened here?” Leo bellows, blowing through the doorway, taking one look at Jacob and getting right up in my face. I tense in Wyatt’s grip, ready for whatever he throws my way.

“It’s fine, I’m fine,” Jacob intervenes, waving his hand.

He doesn’t hit me, just presses his forehead against mine, nostrils flaring as his chest heaves, his rage barely restrained.

“We were sparring,” I grit out, itching to hit him.

“In a fucking hallway?” he hisses, pushing his head into mine before snapping back and going to Jake. He peels the cloth back before pressing it again and cradling the back of his head to gain pressure. There’s something possessive about the way he got between us, something a little more than friends if the way he checks my brother over is anything to go by. Like recognises like, after all.

“And where the hell do you suggest we do this?” I snap. “This was his idea, by the way. Why the hell am I the one getting shit for it?”

“You’re not the one bleeding,” Leo growls.

“Uh, actually,” Jacob intervenes, again, gesturing to my lip. “He kind of is.”

Leo rolls his eyes as I wipe it off with the back of my hand, shaking out my shoulders. I’ve got to give it to him, though, I do feel better.

“Can’t you just use one of the gyms on campus?” Oliver asks. “That’s what I’ve been doing.”

“They’re all linked into the biometrics for the relevant building,” Jasper replies. “You can’t get in. I’ve tried.”

“Just get someone to buzz you in.” Oliver shrugs. “Easy peasy.”

“And do any of them have a sparring ring? Boxing? Martial arts?” I ask, conscious I don’t remember there being any in the one we visited before moving in here.

“Ah, maybe not,” he replies sheepishly, my tone clearly still holding more irritation than I expected. “But they’ve got some decent machines.”

“I’ll stick with my free weights,” Leo grumbles. “Does anyone know where there’s a walk-in to get this stitched up?”

“It’s slowing down,” Jacob argues. “It doesn’t need stitching, it’ll be fine.”

“I’m just trying to preserve your pretty face,” he replies, peeling the cloth back for another peek.Yeah, something is going on there.

Most of the other guys have sated their curiosity and gone back to whatever they were doing before, just leaving Leo, Oliver, Jacob and I loitering in the hallway as they mostly glower my way like I did this on purpose.

“Great. Well, thanks, guys.” I clip the words out, heading out the door and slamming it behind me.

Not a single one of them says anything, and nobody does a thing to stop me. They just watch me go.

I’m halfway down the driveway before I even realise I’m marching, adrenaline still coursing through my body as headlights come into view, brightening the path ahead. I don’t stop as the black car passes, it’s not my problem, but my steps do slow.What if it’s The Sect coming back, and actually, it is my problem?

With a sigh, I turn and head back, just as a voice calls my name, a lone figure running my way in the afternoon sun. But it’s not one of the guys.

“Nick, are you okay?” Ivy calls, her concern clear as her hot hands land on my chest and her gaze flicks over the rest of me. “What happened? You’re bleeding.”

“Oh, this…”I brush against my lip, smudging where it had stopped bleeding, only for it to start again.

“Yes, this. You’re out here in nothing but jeans, bleeding… You don’t even have shoes on!”

“I don’t…” The two of us both look at my sock-clad feet, as I finally feel the gravel underneath my soles. “Oh.”

Her gentle fingers run along the bruise on my jaw, tracing across the black eye that’s no doubt starting to show as she categorises each mark and bruise.

“You should see the other guy,” I joke, but it falls flat.