“Of course,” Lauren agrees, standing and giving Liselle another quick embrace. “And it was lovely to meet you all.”
She disappears out the door, security waiting to guide us back out and to the cars as we head back to the house. Aimee and Tamsin chatter excitedly as I twist my travel mug in my hands, my mind anywhere but on their conversation.
Charlotte has the kettle boiling by the time we’re walking through the door, Stephanie talking about making some salad and grilling some tuna steaks and chicken for an easy dinner, as I nod and disappear into our bedroom, still needing to process.
“When do you want to make a start on the sociology assignment?” Tamsin asks, closing the bedroom door behind her and dropping onto my bed.
“Tomorrow is jam-packed but I’ve time on Wednesday morning, if that works for you?”
“Sure. Now, first up, you’ve got to tell me what’s going on with Nick. You’ve been avoiding me for days. No more.”
“Nothing’s going on.”
“You sure about that?” she asks, throwing a cushion my way and settling against my pillows. “The two of you looked good together yesterday, but you barely gave him the time of day on Friday night. And don’t think I missed you sneaking off with Leo, either. The two of you looked cosy on your way to dinner yesterday too. So, come on, spill.”
“There’s nothing to spill,” I argue. “Nick picked me out on Friday night, and then he was a controlling jerk all night, but I guess he was trying to make it up to me yesterday or whatever.”
“And… did it work?”
“I’m not sure I’d go that far.”
“So, Leo then?”
“Leo’s great. He took me away on Friday night to let me know Spencer wasn’t coming and that he’d talked to him. Spencer warned me away from him, I’m sorry that I never mentioned it to you, but Leo stepped in like he said he would, he’s a nice guy.”
“Warned you away from who?” she asks, confusion crossing her face as I join her on the bed. “I can’t believe you never told me about this.”
“Leo. And you’ve been in a Taylor bubble all week, so it didn’t seem important. It was just Spencer trying to throw his weight around again, that’s all. You know what he gets like.”
“Yeah, I suppose… I can’t believe he has the balls to try that shit here though. Fucking idiot.”
“So, no double dates yet then?”
“Afraid not.”
She sticks her bottom lip out, painting fake sadness on her face as she gives me puppy-dog eyes.
“That look is not going to get me double dating with you. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.” I laugh.
There’s friendship with Leo, understanding, we have shared interests and he knows just how to make me feel safe, and cared about. But then there was that kiss with Wyatt… sweet, tender, gentle. He makes me laugh and has broken the tension between me and Nick more than once, and I didn’t miss how quickly he moved my way yesterday when I thought I saw something in the bushes.
And yet, Nick is the one that makes me feel like my body is full of anticipation, almost buzzing with it. Not just because he knows exactly the things to say to piss me off beyond words, but because he stokes those flames with a desire that I can’t seem to control. I want to hit him, then kiss him, and sometimes, the other way around.
He drives me crazy.
“You’re totally thinking about it.”
“Huh, what?” I ask, tilting my head to look up at her from where I lay on the bed.
“Your cheeks have gone pink, and I can see your nipples from here. Who are you thinking about, Leo or Nick?”
“How bad would it be if I said neither?”
“Jeez, girl. Who else has caught your eye?”
“Wyatt may or may not have kissed me when he walked us back the other night.” I cover my face with my hands in a vain attempt to hide my embarrassment.