Page 42 of Her Devil

He nods again, his gaze seeming far away before it zones back in on Leo. “The moment will come when you have to decide who is going to stand by you. Every move is purposeful and deliberate, and this moment will come sooner than you expect it to.”

He holds our attention rapt in the palm of his hand. This is important information, and some of our group skipped out early and are missing it. I want to feel bad for them, but the hottest guy in here just admitted he likes men and I’m totally here for it.

“Ten men and six women were chosen at The Pendleton Prep elite candidates. No, you won’t all make it through to the end, but the six of you that do will become a unit, a team, a support network, even when you’re at differing ends of the country, or further. The candidate pool is where you will find that partner.”

Leo looks my way, the expression on his face hidden behind the cold hard plastic mask we still wear, but I’d like to think I see interest in his eyes. There’s certainly interest in mine.

“What about the girls? Surely, they’re not going to be asked to do the same things we are?” Wyatt asks, concern laced through his tone.

“Don’t worry about the Angels, their director will be liaising with them in due course.”

“And what if the person has already been eliminated from the running?” Nick asks.

“Then they’re no longer in the candidate pool,” he replies. “There will be three Devils remaining, and there’s not an automatic pass for those interlinked with them, Angels or not. Everyone earns their place, one way or another.”

His answer is ambiguous enough to leave further questions on the tip of my tongue. I know Nick is adamant we’re going to make this through together, but I’m not so sure. Maybe being on the arm of a Devil is enough. If I were to pass that test. Whatever that might end up being.

“Treat them well, they’re as important as each of you are. Now, I’m going to bid you all good night, you’ve done a wonderful job this evening.”

Whether he’s just talking about the clean-up, looking after the Angels, or the evening as a whole, I have no idea. But I’m not sure anyone else does either as Nick follows him and his security out, thanking them for their time and locking up behind them.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to fucking bed,” he rumbles from the doorway. “See you tomorrow.” He waves a hand in the air, raising his chin my way before disappearing up the stairs.

He’s not the only one ready to leave, and quickly it ends up being just me and Leo sitting in the quiet of the sleeping house, the sound of our housemates settling in for the night a strange but comfortable background noise.

“Thank you for the clarification,” I blurt out, peeling the mask off now the event is over and the inspection complete. No one is coming for us now.

“It wasn’t just for you,” he admits. “But you’re welcome.” His mask lands on the sofa beside him with a thump. “Looks like your brother is staking his claim.”

“Yeah, he can be like that. I remember this one time, we went with our father to collect a new mare for Sophie, at least that was the plan.” I chuckle, thinking of the argument they had and the stilted conversation that went on for weeks afterwards. “Well, Nick saw a beautiful grey stallion, and to be fair, it was a nice-looking horse, and of course, he wanted it.”

“Does he ride?” Leo asks, his surprise warranted.

“Not at all. And he didn’t even attempt to learn after managing to talk him into buying the thing either, but he used to go with Sophie to the stables and help out with the upkeep and whatever. Eventually, Nick agreed to let the riding school work with him, the horse, and they said he’s one of the most laid-back stallions they’ve ever worked with, he’s a dream. Perfect for the nervous children, despite his size.”

“So, he’s got a good eye then, huh?”

“Oh, he knows something good when he sees it,” I reply with a weary smile. “And there’s hell to pay when he doesn’t get it.”

“I know how that goes,” he replies.


“Only child,” he corrects with a shake of his head. “But my father is not a man accustomed to not getting his way.”

“Family, eh?” I chuckle. “You can’t live with them and you can’t bury them in the garden.”

“Well, no. That’s true enough.” He smiles, rubbing his hand across his forehead. “Come on, you look shattered, let’s get you to bed.”

“How very forward of you,” I comment with a yawn, the long day catching up with me. I know he doesn’t mean it that way, but it’s fun to imagine all the same.

“I meant your bed, but I like where your mind went.”

I blush as we both get up, turning the lights off and checking the doors are locked before grabbing our masks and heading up.

“I know I’m ready to sleep, but you don’t even look tired,” I comment idly as we head up the stairs.

“I don’t sleep well,” he whispers. “I’ll probably just work out until I pass out or something.”