But it doesn’t come as she shuts me down with nothing more than one word.
“Well, you could have fooled me.” The words are clipped out, my own irritation beginning to show through as she continues to push back. It’s no joke that Jacob is the easier going one of us, my temper gets me into trouble more often than not, and I have no idea how to pull it back once it starts. “Well, you looked friendly enough with Taylor when I walked in last night, and it sounds like you’re cosying up with Leo just fine too.”
She slams her lips shut, her fury ricocheting between us as she gets up and storms across the room, making a bee-line for the bathrooms.
Shit.What the fuck is coming out of my mouth right now?
With a sigh, I take a huge gulp of the burning coffee, attempting to calm myself and work out how the hell to get this back on track.
It was going so well.
She was happy, we were chatting, and then she didn’t get the details she was hoping for and the whole thing goes to shit.Fuck.
I take three deep breaths, closing my eyes and pulling it all back in. There’s something there, something I want to investigate, and I’m not going to let her hard-on for information run me out of something I want. Standing, I stalk to the bathrooms, not one to be deterred by something as straightforward as a woman with a bee in her bonnet.
“Look, we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot here,” I say, barging open the ladies’ bathroom door and finding her at the sink, running a stick of ruby red along her lips.
The thought of that red smeared across the base of my cock, her lips wrapped tightly around the thick of me as she sucks me deep causes me to hesitate, sucking in a breath.
“Really?” she asks, as if she can read the thoughts straight out of my mind.
“I’m not sure what details you were looking for, but I really don’t know anything else I can tell you,” I admit, attempting to explain.
“You’re a dick.” She clips the words out as she pockets the lipstick in her tiny purse, the one I didn’t even realise she had with her, breaking eye contact in the mirror.
“I’ve heard that before,” I placate gently with a cocky smirk, closing the distance between us.
She feels this, I know she does.
“That doesn’t make it any better,” she argues, turning around to face me, one hand going to her hip. But she doesn’t realise how close I’ve become until she turns, backing up against the counter as her other hand comes to my chest, a gasp breaking free as her eyes darken, lust twirling in the air between us.
“I think you like it,” I goad. “You like it when I’m a bit of a dick, when I don’t give you what you want.” The flush of her cheeks could be annoyance, but it could also be arousal, and if the way her breath see-saws in and out is anything to go by, my money is on the latter.
“You’re so used to men dropping to the ground you walk on to worship at your feet that you have no idea what it’s like when someone wants you and isn’t willing to bend.” My gaze flicks to those cherry-red lips, the ones parted and almost panting as her gaze holds mine once again.
“You don’t know anything about it,” she argues, but there’s no power to the words, they come out breathy and wanting, giving away way more than she was hoping, I’m sure.
Her breath collides with mine, the next-to-nothing distance that was between us being eaten up as I push her back and she pulls me forward, the hand that was trapped between us twisting in my shirt to get purchase. A vein attempt at a control that she’ll never have, never own, as my lips come to hers.
We’re a tangle of tongues and teeth, and she gives just as good as she takes, wrapping her legs around my waist as I lift her onto the vanity in one smooth motion. Her nails dig into my arm as I slide one hand through the thick of her hair, guiding her where I want her to be.
“And you’ll never believe what he said,” someone says from behind me as the bathroom door slams open and they continue. “He said if I didn’t believe him that I should just fucking go.”
The owner of the conversation doesn’t stop or blink an eyelid at the two of us in here pressed together against the counter, my semi doing nothing to negate the sexual tension crackling through the air that they clearly didn’t notice as they close the bathroom stall, locking it and continuing to discuss their relationship, loudly.
“I guess we should…” I whisper, my lips brushing the shell of her ear before pulling back, adjusting myself and making my way out of the bathroom, leaving her to do whatever the hell it was she needed to do. Take stock. Have a minute. I could do with one of those myself right now.
“It’s about time you made it back,” Tamsin calls, her head peeking up above the back of the sofa long enough to acknowledge my arrival. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
“Looks like you’ve been sat around nursing a glass of wine to me, but whatever.” I brush her off as I come around the corner and swiftly exit to our bedroom. Whatever they’ve been waiting on me for will hang on for just two more minutes, I’m sure.