The air horn blasts just inches from my head, or that’s how it feels as I fly up from the pillow, my mind taking a second to orientate itself from sleep to awake as the shouting finally registers through the ringing in my ears and the thundering of my heartbeat.
“Two minutes, people. Go. Go. Go,” is yelled out by the police officer in the doorway. Wyatt’s confusion is as clear as mine as the two of us jump up, me reaching for a shirt and him grabbing some jeans from the floor, attempting to get them on whilst walking.
“What the fuck’s going on?” I ask myself as much as anyone else as the two of us stumble from the bedroom, the rest of the guys being similarly collected as the lot of us wander down the corridors and main stairs, no more answers being provided as we’re lined up against the big screen in the cinema room.
Four people sit on the double recliners, black masks covering their faces as they wait for us all to get there. Emmerson is the last one through the door, the officer closing it with a nod as one of the men stands, pulling off his mask.
The chief of police drops his mask to the sofa, clasping his hands in front of him silently as he waits.
The seconds tick on as we all wait, us for him, him for us, and a dozen officers line the room for God knows what. Nothing good, probably.
“Good morning, gentlemen,” he eventually begins. “I know it’s a little earlier than some of you are used to, and after last night’s event, I’m sure more than one of you is feeling a little worse for wear.”
For once, not drinking has gone in my favour, not so much for anyone else though. He looks up and down the line, taking in the sleep mussed, still drunk, and those with the start of a hangover as we wait to find out what the fuck this is about. The lighting is dim, giving it a comforting feeling that I’m reasonably sure is about to disappear completely.
“The Sect will ensure you’re kept safe, warm, and fed, but if you think that wining, dining, and entertaining pretty young girls is all you are in for, you might as well leave now.”
He pauses, giving everyone the chance to leave, but no one moves. No one dares breathe too heavily if the tension that ripples through the air is anything to go by.
“There are six more official challenges, they won’t be easy and you won’t have any warning, but they’re not the only thing coming your way. The Devils of Pendleton Prep have a reputation, something you’re going to uphold.”
He picks up the mask, turning it over in his hands before descending the steps and passing it to Oliver, who does the same before passing it down the line. The fabric at the back is soft, a contrast to the hard plastic of the face.
“Masks are used to conceal your identity, they’re individual and custom, so only those with power will know who you are. Yours are on your beds. You will be available at any time, day or night, when requested. You will undertake whatever you’re asked without question. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” we all acknowledge.
“Power only comes with sacrifice, something some of you know nothing about, yet.” He chuckles, dread swirling in my stomach. There’s no way in hell they woke us up in the middle of the night for a little chat and a warning. Whatever this is, it’s going to get ugly.
“Now, you’ve got roughly two and a half hours until sunrise, and that mixer seems to have gotten a little out of hand. I want every student back in their apartments, every plastic cup, gum wrapper, and piece of straw collected, recycled, and removed from the entire campus. Masks on, complaints silent, work as a team. You want this task to be completed before your time runs out.”
We look at each other, my gaze connecting with Jacob’s as we all loiter awkwardly, no one sure what to do first.
“Don’t just stand there,” the chief clips. “Masks, shoes, make a start. Supplies are at the administration building, and this campus is much bigger than you realise. I wouldn’t waste time right now.”
Like a fire’s been lit under my ass, I hustle out, everyone else making their way to their rooms too, throwing clothes on and grabbing the masks whilst we’re there. I don’t recognise anyone once we’re ready to go, but I guess that’s the point as we gather by the main doors.
“Right, let's separate this. Half on the administration buildings and half on the residential buildings,” someone decides from the doorway.
The masks all look the same, pretty much, and telling one person from another is almost impossible in our sleep-deprived state, but I could never mistake my own brother. Grabbing his arm, I call, “We’ll take admin.” A few others join us as the rest follow the other guy to the residential area.
We might end up sorting through discarded cups and decorations that have been trashed, but I have no desire to pick drunken students up and take them anywhere. The nine of us file out into the darkness, completely sober and focused, any remnants of sleep long gone as all our phones ping, one after another.
Unknown: Two hours twenty. The clock is ticking.
We all look at each other before putting one foot in front of the other and marching down the driveway. It’s a hell of a lot longer on foot than I expect, and as we round the end of the dirt track and get our first glimpse of the devastation left behind, suddenly the urgency makes sense.
“Fucking hell,” I grumble, knowing this is going to be a lot trickier than we anticipated. “He said supplies are in the administration building, let’s get started.”
With a renewed sense of resolve, we head for the office, grabbing what we need and heading out to make a start. Irritation twirls in my gut the longer I walk, filling bag after bag with the shit we so casually left for someone else to pick up. Discarded, ignored, and it irks, my thoughts going back to last night.
Half the bonus of this place being so small was not having to worry about stumbling home half-cut, looks like that’s out the window now, though. Well, someone had to drive, and it turns out Leo and I were the ones to draw the short straws, shocker.
Already irritated by Leo’s fucking face, the last thing I needed was to walk in and find her straight away. Her perfect ass was right in front of me but next to some sleazy-looking guy, and worse yet, was the way she and everyone else fawned over Taylor.
I don’t know why it bothered me so much.