He was nothing like Cairo.
She couldn’t hide behind that. Couldn’t use it as an excuse.
And suddenly, he looked up and saw her, dark, furious eyes meeting with hers.
He released his hold on the bar, and dropped back down to earth. “What are you doing here?”
His body glistened, sweat rolling down his pectoral muscles, down over his abs. He looked at her, his gaze moving slowly over her body, and she felt a pulse between her thighs begin to quicken. What was wrong with her?
She had been in love with Cairo for a decade, but she hadn’t felt it...There. Not like this.
“I brought you food. And a blanket. And a movie. And your books.”
“You shouldn’t have come here.”
“You didn’t tell me not to.”
“And if I had, Brianna?”
“I would’ve come anyway. Because somebody needed to check on you.”
“I’ve spent sixteen years by myself. Nobodycheckedon me. I’m not a child. And I am not a dog.”
“I know,” she said. “I didn’t say you were. I’m... I’m sorry I...”
“What movie?”
“Well, it’s a... It’s an adaptation ofLittle Women. I thought you might enjoy it.”
“Maybe,” he said.
He was looking at her out of the corner of his dark eyes. The suspicion there pronounced. It would’ve almost been funny if any of this were funny.
All she had ever wanted was to be normal. She just wasn’t.
Thiswas not normal.
She carefully set her items down, grabbed the blanket, and spread it out on the square stones. She took her tablet, and set it up. “Have a seat,” she said.
He growled. “You growl too much,” she said.
“Youmakeme growl too much.” But he sat down beside her.
He was sweaty, and she felt like she should object. But he smelled... Something was wrong with her. Because she wanted to bury her face in his chest and get even more of the scent of him.
She dimly remembered hearing people talk about that before. That’s what this was. Perhaps this wasn’t specific at all. Maybe it was simply that she had left the whole virginity thing too late.
That was Cairo’s fault.
She’d been so wrapped up in him that she had sort of forgotten to pursue other relationships. And maybe now she had hit some kind of wall with her sexual dry spell.
It had been fine up until this point, and now it was too much.
So a sweaty, shirtless, muscular man tested the bonds of her better judgment.
Nothing was going to happen. She washelpingRiyaz. That was all.