“How many people like you and me are there?”

“More than you would think. People who have lived in abusive homes. Or cults. A person who has been in a controlling marriage for a number of years. There are many reasons that someone might struggle in the world. You’re not alone.”

“I wouldn’t care if I was,” he said.

“Of course not. Why should you want connection? Or cake? Have some cake, Riyaz.”

He looked at her skeptically.

“Riyaz,” she said. “You are skeptical of a treat?”

“In my position, wouldn’t you be?”

“Maybe,” she said, her heart clenching.

He took a step toward her, moving into a shaft of light.

He was beautiful. He had high cheekbones, and the hollows of his cheeks were sharp. Even with his dark beard covering his jaw she could see that.

He was muscled, extraordinarily so.

All that working out he’d done had paid off.

“We’ve talked about your books. Tell me about your body.”

He lifted a dark brow, and her face went hot. “I mean, tell me about how you work to stay... Oh, come on, you’re in amazing shape.”

He surprised her. Because all at once, he stopped, and he grinned. Then, he chuckled. “You enjoy my body?”

“I would have to be blind not to notice the sort of shape you’re in,” she said, feeling properly warm now.

“I see. Well. Pull-ups, sit-ups. There was a stone bench down in the dungeon, and I would lay on my back and lift it with my feet. Plus there are many bodyweight workouts that a person can do. I also lifted the bench. I didn’t wish to lose my bodyormy mind. There were many things I had no choice but to let go of. My fitness in either of those arenas was not going to be theirs. Not ever.”

“I admire that. Very few people would have the presence of mind to make that determination.”

He lifted a brow. “Cake and flattery?”

“I’m hoping that you’ll take at least one of them,” she said.

“I will consider it.”

“I have spice cake. And chocolate.”

She could see interest flare in his dark eyes.

“You want chocolate,” she said.

“I have not had chocolate in sixteen years.”

“Riyaz, you must have chocolate. You absolutely must.”

She lifted it up from the tray, and held it out to him.

He took it from her, and she watched as he took a bite. And she was more gratified than she should have been by the growl.

“You aren’t supposed to do that, remember?”

“You don’t mind,” he said.