Page 1 of Blindside


The night the guys found out she was pregnant

Sitting here on my bed in my dorm room, I look around and hate how bare it is without all of Cody’s things in here. Sadness washes over me, how has it been a couple of weeks already since she’s been gone? Since starting here at Crestview Heights University, Cody and I met on day one and instantly clicked, we bonded further when we realized we were both on the dance team. The team held a vigil for her but I couldn’t find it within myself to go, those bitches on the team never gave a shit about her and the sight of their fake tears would have pushed me to punch them in their fake noses.

I dropped off the team last week as I struggle daily just to get out of bed and go to class. Losing Cody has been fucking hard but being pregnant and not being able to tell the guys out of fear that they will reject our baby, weighs heavily on me as well. The guys think I’m devastated over the loss of my best friend–I am—but hiding a secret this big from them is eating me up inside. I need to tell them but they are both dealing with so much right now. Corvin is a mess and took off to God only knows where. I also know they wouldn’t be happy as they have made it clear that they don’t want kids. I know they have plans to be drafted and play for the NFL but it’s not like I planned for this to happen.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I allow myself to wander down the road of what ifs. Would the guys come around to the idea of us being a family? I know we have never exclusively put a title on what we are but we’ve never needed to—they are mine and I am theirs. I close my eyes and picture what he or she might look like. I may have only found out a few weeks ago about being pregnant but I already know without a doubt that I’ll love this baby. I never thought I would be happy about becoming a mom but since being with Saint and Crue, I’ve changed my mind. I want a family with them. Before I can fall too far down the rabbit hole of what ifs a knock sounds at my door. A tired sigh escapes me as I climb to my feet and open it.

“There’s my girl,” Crue calls out as he reaches and lifts me off my feet, crushing me against him. I look over his shoulder to see Saint grinning at us. Crue walks into the room with me still in his arms then places me back on my feet the moment Saint closes the door behind them.

Saint shoves Crue aside then wraps me in a hug and places a kiss on the top of my head. “I missed you, Katie baby.” I want to melt into him but guilt gnaws at me. They come over every morning with a muffin and coffee, walk me to class and then come over every night after practice. They are perfect. I just can’t find it within myself to tell them about the baby when it would just upset them. I’m a fucking coward. I need to women up and just tell them, but every time I grow the confidence, something always pulls me back. It’s only a matter of time before I start showing and I refuse to be that girl who one day strips naked and says ‘Surprise, we’re having a baby. Want to fuck now?’

“So, what are we ordering in tonight?” Crue asks from his perch on my bed. Saint leads me over to him and I climb up beside Crue as Saint settles down on my other side.

“I vote for Applebee’s.”

“I wasn’t asking what you wanted, dick, Katie baby gets to choose.” Saint huffs dramatically while Crue shoots me a wink.

“Applebee’s sounds good,” I say quietly. I see it in their eyes that they hate they can’t fix whatever is wrong with me but neither of them are good at dealing with emotions so they would rather ignore it, brush it under the rug and carry on like normal. I’m a bitch for letting them think that Cody’s loss is the reason why I’ve been acting so weird lately.

Crue places our order while Saint chooses a movie on Netflix for us to watch. This is our nightly routine. We eat and watch movies then they leave. Sometimes they stay but mostly I kick them out because guilt gnaws at me to confess my secret. Our food arrives twenty minutes into the movie. Saint dishes it out, then we all sit here and eat while watching some movie that I’m not even paying attention to.

“Shit.” I look over to see Crue has spilled his sauce all over himself.

“I got it,” Saint says as he jumps up to grab the towel that I chucked over my trinket box after my shower earlier. He yanks the towel off but at the same time, the box drops to the floor as he chucks it to Crue. My eyes widen in horror. I try to climb off the bed as quickly as I can but it’s too late, he sees the two tests with two pink lines staring up at him. I stand here silently as I watch him bend down and grab both the sticks off the ground, saying nothing as he stares at them. Crue slides up beside Saint. The moment he sees the tests he turns pale.

“I… I-uh.” I clamp my shut the moment they lift their gazes to me, shock is evident in their eyes but so is betrayal and disbelief.

“Y-you’re… pregnant?” I take a shuddering breath and force the words out past the lump in my throat.

“Yes.” I watch as their bodies stiffen and their eyes harden, Crue eyes me with contempt, Saint stares at me with accusations clear in his eyes. Fear grips me, I knew they wouldn’t react well to the news but I never thought they would look at me like I ruined their lives.

“How the fuck could you have been so stupid?” I reel back, my mouth drops open in shock.

“You think I planned to get pregnant? Newsflash, Crue, you both were willing participants in the act.”

“You fucking did this on purpose to trap us!” Saint shouts, the air rushing out of me. I balk at them, how the hell could they think I would ever do something like this to them. Did I want to have a child? No. Would I have a child to trap them in the hopes they would never leave me? Fuck no.

“Is it even ours?” Crue’s question is what tips me over the edge.

“How fucking dare you! After everything we have been through, how can you stand there and accuse me of such a thing?”

“You know we are about to be drafted and getting knocked up to us would set you up for life.” Tears trail down my cheeks, they’re not tears of sadness but anger—I’m an angry crier and I fucking hate it.

“Fuck you both. I don’t need you or your fucking money. I’ll raise the baby on my own.”

Saint snorts. “You really think someone like you would be a good mother?” Hurt blossoms in my chest at his words. “I mean, you don’t even know who your kid’s father is, how could you think you would be a good mother? What if it’s a girl, would you be okay knowing she’s getting nailed every night by two cocks?” I gasp, how could he be so cruel as to say such horrible things about our baby.

“How dare you–”

Crue cuts me off before I can finish speaking. “No, how fucking dare you get knocked up on purpose and then expect us to pay for it. We told you we never wanted kids and even if you do have it, don’t expect us to help you. You can’t even look after yourself let alone raise a child. Look at the state of you.” I look down at my outfit and cringe. I’m wearing stained sweats and one of my old shirts that has a hole in the side. I know I have fallen into a depression since Cody died but I can get better. I’ll change and be better.

“I can’t fucking believe you would do this after everything that has happened these past couple of months, how could you be so fucking selfish?” Saint shouts. I flinch back a step and keep my gaze on the ground. I’m a mess, they’re right. How could I raise a child when I can barely get my own ass out of bed every day. I’m struggling to pay my bills as it is without the expense of a child. A sob rips out of me as I crumble to my knees and weep for the injustice of this situation. I knew they would be mad but I never thought they would be downright fucking hateful and mean.

“We’re done, Katie. You fucked us,” Crue shouts. I flinch away from them and watch through my tear filled eyes as they turn their backs and walk out the door, leaving me broken and alone on the floor of my dorm. Screams tear out of me, my chest feels like it’s breaking open, my heart shattering inside me. I reach up and place my hand flat against my chest. My heart feels like it’s about to burst out of my chest. A sharp cry tears from me when I feel pain in my stomach, I wrap my arms around my midriff as another wave of pain shoots through me.

“Ahh,” I cry out and hunch over on all fours. “Oh my God, no, no, no,” I choke out as I feel wetness coating my inner thighs. I push back to my hunches and watch in horror as my gray sweats slowly begin to turn red from the blood.