“We have to take the egg donor with us,” he grits out through clenched teeth. I take a ragged breath through my nose at the thought of seeing Katie. we haven’t seen the dirty lying bitch since she ran out of here three days ago.
“Val won’t like it but she has to stay back. I won’t have my son near any of this.” Crue and I both nod, the last thing we want is our nephew anywhere near my scum fuck of a father. “I’ll make sure Val has whatever you need for the baby here when we get back.” We both thank Beck. Out of all of us, he and Val are the only ones with experience with kids, well, Val more so than Beck.
“There is no fucking way jail bait is going, her crazy ass is staying here,” Corvin chimes in from behind us where we have him synced to the TV. “You both know if you need me, I’m on the first flight—”
Crue cuts Corvin off. “Nah, man, stay your ass there and win us that game so we can go to the Super Bowl.” A wide grin stretches across Corv’s face.
“Who gets to tell Goldie she can’t come? Becky?” We all stare at Darius, the guy looks like the ultimate bad boy and throws off all those dark and dangerous vibes, but when it comes to Leah, the guy is a fucking pussy.
Beck snorts and shakes his head. “You’re on your own,halfback,” he mocks D, using Leah’s nickname for him.
Darius runs a hand through his hair and looks toward the TV. “Corv, my man—”
“Eat a dick, Darius,” Corvin says before he can finish. D sighs and nods. Truthfully, out of the girls Alexa and Leah are the fucking crazy ones, so I don’t blame him for being worried about telling his girlfriend she can’t come with us.
“If the egg donor has to come, maybe Leah should tag along,” Crue interjects. Darius’s eyes light up with gratitude.
“Fucking love ya, my man,” D shouts, earning an eye roll from the rest of us.
“Troy, fast track the court,” I say. He nods and gathers his things to head out. “We need the egg donor to do her thing and hack into whatever it is to get us a passport made to bring our girl home.” I’m about to say Crue and I will go speak to her but Beck beats me to it.
“I’ll speak to her now. Book the flights for tomorrow night. I need tomorrow morning to get the house installed with more cameras while we’re gone.” Beck looks to Corv next. “I want Alexa with Dawson and Val while we’re away.”
“Agreed, I’ll tell her,” Corv says without hesitation. I know this is hard for them both, being away from their girls after everything that happened with Cody, but this is what brotherhood is. They’re both scared to leave but will do it anyway because we asked them, this is what family is.
Blood doesn’t make you family. Love and loyalty do!
* * *
I roused awake from the sound of Crue’s phone ringing. I roll over and have to use my leg to kick him awake—this fucking bed is huge. He groans and tries to roll away so I throw the pillow at his dumb ass. He jolts upright and looks around the room in a panic—he’s always been a fucking deep sleeper.
“Answer that fucking thing so I can sleep!” He grunts in answer and reaches blindly for his phone. He answers the call without checking who it is.
“What?” I smirk. Crue fucking hates being woken up unless it’s game day or for sex. I see him tense and then I’m scooting across the bed to rip the phone from his grasp and put it on speaker.
“—I can’t afford the ticket to New Zealand—”
I growl before cutting in to shut her ass up. “Tickets are booked, get the passport made and don’t be fucking late. We booked your ass to sit in the cargo hold with all the other bags.” I end the call and toss Crue’s phone onto his lap. He tosses it back on the bedside table before laying back down. I do the same but this time, I can’t fucking sleep. That bitch fucking ruined my good night’s sleep with her ringing at the ass crack of dawn. Crue sighs from beside me, I know he’s thinking the same thing as I am.
“What do we do when we get back?” he asks quietly
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
He rolls onto his side and faces me. “Devon won’t let this go, Saint. He’s going to take us to court.” I mimic his move and roll over to face him, there’s still a large space between us thanks to the size of the bed.
“I know. We just need to get her away from him and then we worry about all the other shit later.”
“Does that shit include the mother of our kid?” A whoosh of air escapes me. I know to others it may sound weird, Crue and I referring to Adalyn asours,but it isn’t for us. I don’t need to find out which one of us is her father, I’d love her regardless because I love him.
“If I say no, will you believe me?” A light laugh escapes him.
“I guess we’ll deal with that when we get back as well, huh?”
“Shut the fuck up and go to sleep.”
* * *
Crue and I wait at the gate for the others to arrive, neither of us wanted to be near Katie for longer than we had to so we drove ourselves. I’m fucking thankful him and I were able to work shit out between us and return to how things were before she went and ran, but now, I can feel this gap in our lives and I fucking hate that I know she is the only one who can fill that void.