“Nathan told you where I was?” I breathe out. The moment Leah frowns and cocks her head to the side, I know I just fucked up.
“Nathan is here? With you?” I cringe.
“Yeah, Leah, he’s here,” I answer. A look of hurt flashes across her face before she quickly masks it. I hate hurting her. Leah is one of my best friends and I know me leaving without a word must have hurt her badly. “What are you all doing here?”
Alexa breaks away from the others and comes to stand on the other side of the counter, her gaze is sharp and accusing as she stares me down. “You once told me to stop trying to find every excuse I could to not be with Corvin. How about you take your own advice.” I grit my teeth and white knuckle the edge of the counter.
“You have no idea what the fuck happened,” I seethe. Corvin steps forward drawing my attention to him, he halts his movements the moment he sees the look on my face. “You all come in here ready to go to bat for Crue and Saint and yet none of you know what happened—”
“They feel fucking horrible for leaving you to deal with the loss of the—” I cut Alexa off before she can finish.
“Stop!” She clamps her mouth closed, and Leah steps forward wearing a look of guilt as she looks me over.
“We saw you driving through the main street and followed you, we thought you might be happy to see us but I guess… we were wrong.” My shoulders deflate as guilt swims inside me. “We’re in town for one more night, if you want to catch up before we leave tomorrow, that would be amazing.”
Before I can stop myself, the words spew out of me. “I’d love to.” Leah beams at me and rattles off the time and place to meet them tonight. I promise to bring Nathan along with me. As they leave, I find myself smiling at the thought of being able to hang out with my friends again. I know Darius and Corvin are pissed at me but if they knew the truth, they’d both be rethinking their attitude toward me.
“Why the fuck are we doing a stupid dinner?” Saint moans from behind me. I turn to see him sprawled out across my bed. He looks good in low-slung dark-wash jeans, black boots and a plain white shirt that stretches across his chest perfectly. His hair is a tousled mess. I cock my head to the side and just take him in. It’s no secret that I have feelings for him, everyone knows it except Saint. I’ve never admitted that shit to him in case I ruined what we have. Truth is, since Katie left, we have had this… divide between us and I don’t know how to close that gap.
“Because we fly out tomorrow and won’t see the family for a few months.” He lulls his head to the side and pins me with aduhlook.
“I’d rather stay here and cuddle up to you while we watch rom coms and make out.” I snort and brush off his comment like it didn’t just have my cock twitching my pants. He’s always joked about shit like this and I’ve gone along with it every time until recently. It’s no longer a joke to me. What he says is what I want and I can’t keep downplaying that shit anymore.
“Yeah well, we can’t always get what we want now, can we?” His face contorts into one of confusion. Before he can question me on my outburst, I grab my Seahawk Letterman jacket off the back of the chair and head for the door. “You coming?” I call over my shoulder.
“I wish,” I hear him mumble behind me. I know it’s not his fault. Saint has always been blind to my advances toward him. Seeing him fuck his way through the population of girls at CHU killed me. It wasn’t until we met Katie that shit changed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still in love with Saint but Katie managed to weasel her way inside my heart without much effort. She is the person that brought us closer without even meaning to.
At the start, I went along with fucking her just to feel closer to Saint but over time it stopped being just about him and shifted to it becoming about the three of us and the life we could build together. Yes, Katie has fucked both of us at the same time but Saint and I have never crossed that line, not because of me but because I don’t want to push him only to find out he doesn’t feel the same way about me.
* * *
The drive to the restaurant is filled with tension. Rather than sit in awkward silence, I play the radio loudly. I pull up out front of the restaurant and scrunch my nose up. Saint kills the sound system and leans forward to get a better look.
“Since when the fuck did we eat swanky ass places like this?” I shrug my shoulders and park the rental. We both climb out and walk side by side. His fingers brush against mine and I quickly put some space between us before I do something stupid like, hold his hand! I feel his gaze on me, but ignore it. He has no idea the effect he has on me.
The door is opened for us and immediately the smell of sushi hits me. Fuck yes! I love a good sushi train. I give the woman at the front our names and follow after her. I spot the guys in the back and frown as I look down and check my watch. They said to meet at seven. It’s ten to seven, so why the fuck are they all here? When we’re within a few feet of them I get it, they gave us the wrong time so we would show up after them.
“Oh shit,” Nathan says as he looks up and sees us. Katie has her back to us. I move around the worker lady and step up behind Katie. She tenses the moment I place my hands on top of her shoulders. I look around at all my friends and glower at each of them.
“Imagine my surprise to turn up and see all of you here on time for once?” Leah bites her lip. Corvin glares at me, warning me without words not to make a scene but fuck him, they set us up. “It wasn’t until I saw my tatted-up, southern belle, baby momma that I realized you set us the fuck up!” Katie gasps, but I ignore her. Saint slides up beside me as Nathan slowly stands from his chair keeping his murderous gaze on us.
“Nate, please don’t,” Katie begs.
“Yeah,Nate, listen to your girl and sit your ass down,” Saint snaps.
“Both of you cut it the fuck out and sit down, now,” Darius says. Saint smirks and I shoot him a toothy smile that has the ex-halfback sitting up straighter in his chair.
“So, we can’t meddle in any of your relationships but you can meddle in our baby momma drama?” Katie drops her gaze to the table at Saint’s words.
“You know what, you both want someone to be pissed at, then be pissed at yourselves,” Nathan grits out.
“Shut up, bitch boy. She shacked up with my cousin, I have every right to be pissed.” I snarl, drawing a collective gasp around the table.
“Oh, bitch, please. Coming from the guy who showed up an hour after seeing her with him and fucking her brains out in a bathroom?” Beckett chokes on his water, Corvin chokes on fucking air but Darius and the girls just stare at us.
“You’re just jealous we weren’t fucking you?” Saint teases cockily. Nathan runs his gaze over Saint and shudders dramatically.