Page 21 of Hail Mary

I shrug my shoulders. “Cars are kind of my thing.”

He nods. “Tell ya what, kid, I’ve been trying to get these knuckleheads to figure out that the chain was loose for a couple weeks and they couldn’t. If you fix this and explain to me what parts you are fixing and talk me through what’s wrong with it, I’ll make sure Barkley transfers you to my class as your community service time instead of cleaning every day.”

My eyes widen. “Seriously?”

He smiles kindly. “Yeah.”

“Why would you help me?” I ask skeptically.

He takes a deep breath before answering. “I’ve been where you are and I want to give you the same opportunity I was afforded.” That shocks the shit out of me. I nod my head and quickly race around the room grabbing the tools I need before going to work on the engine. As I get to work to fix the problems, he introduces himself and he and I talk as I start fixing the chain. He’s actually a really cool guy and knows a fuck load about cars. He tells me the seven guys in his class are shit at rebuilds and only want to work on Japanese imports. One of them was even dumb enough to suggest trying to put a wastegate in this classic project.

“What the hell?” I say with a laugh.

Shannon laughs and nods. “I joke you not. I wanted to slap him upside the head.” We both laugh at the stupidity of some people. Our laughter cuts off when the door opens to reveal an angry-looking Corvin. My eyes widen at the sight of him before I look to the clock on the wall and curse when I see the time. It’s nearly seven and I told him I would meet him at six. “Can I help you?” Shannon asks. Corvin doesn’t acknowledge him or even look toward him, just keeps his gaze on me. Rather than making a scene, I quickly put the tools down and step around Shannon heading for Corvin but stop a couple feet away to turn back.

“Thank you, I’m sorry for keeping you so late…” Regret blooms inside me, I never finished the task he set for me. “Thank you for the chance—”

Shannon cuts me off before I can finish. “Leave Barkley to me. I’ll see you first thing tomorrow morning.” My eyes widen in surprise.

“Really?” I can hear the hope in my own voice.

“Yeah, kid. You’re good and picked up a lot of shit I didn’t see. I’ll have your new class schedule waiting for you on my desk tomorrow.”

I beam at him before racing across the room and flinging myself at him. I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging. He tenses for a second before gently pushing me back and shooting a disapproving look that lacks heat. Oh fuck! Realization dawns on me and I want the floor to open up and swallow me whole when I realize I just hugged my teacher!

I blanch up at him. “I’m so sorry, I’m gonna go now before I do something else.” He laughs and I mentally facepalm myself. I turn and rush toward Corvin, he steps out of the way. I grab his hand and practically drag him from the building, needing to get the hell out of there so I can die of shame privately. The moment we step outside, Corvin rips his hand from mine and storms off toward the car, clearly pissed off. I roll my eyes and follow after him. I’m not going to let his sour mood dampen mine, because I’m on cloud fucking nine right now!

We both slip into the car and immediately the tension amps up—it’s so thick. I see how stiff he is out of the corner of my eye and I begin to wonder what the hell happened at practice for him to be this wound up. I’m about to ask him what’s wrong, but then I remember that I don’t care and it’s not my problem if he’s having a bad day. The ride home is tense and not a word is spoken the whole way. Even as we ride the elevator up to the penthouse, he says nothing and his mood is starting to fucking piss me off. The doors open and he practically runs to get away from me. I glare at his back refusing to comment. He goes straight upstairs, rolling my eyes I head for my room. I flick the lights on and gasp. All the new furniture litters the room, the bed even has new covers. I rush into the closet to see that the hordes of clothes he bought me have all now been hung up.

I go into the bathroom next and try the shower but no water comes out, I frown as a thought hits me. He has all the money in the world, pays for my school and dorm, gets me new clothes and new bedroom shit but can’t fix a shower?

“That motherfucker!” I grit out. He isn’t fixing the shower on purpose, so I have no choice but to share his. Oh, you sneaky little bitch. You are going to pay for that, asshole. I decide to devise a plan to fuck with him one last time before I move out. A smile spreads across my face when an idea hits me. Oh, Reaper, you should never have given me the code for the elevator, now you are going to pay.

* * *

Corvin hasn’t spoken a word to me for nearly two days. It’s Friday and the vibe around campus is infectious as students make plans for their weekend. I hate that his silent treatment is bothering me when it shouldn’t. I hate him. I keep repeating that in my head as I walk around and hand out the flyers I printed this morning in the library. Random students rush over to grab a copy and I smile as I hand them all one telling them to spread the word. Part of me felt bad for thinking of doing this to him, then this morning when I woke up, I made a deal with myself. If he spoke to me then I would veto this idea but he didn’t, and now he will pay the price for this.

Once all the flyers have been handed out I make my way to Shannon’s class. True to his word, he managed to get Moss to change his mind. I have no idea how he did it and I didn’t question him, I’m just fucking grateful to be in his class and not have to do community service every fucking day. I’m also not stupid enough to think Corvin and his lawyer didn’t have a helping hand in this. Just as I enter the building and reach my class, my phone vibrates. I pull it out and roll my eyes at the sight of Jason’s name. I’ll never tell him or admit it, but I took Corvin’s advice and stopped replying to Jason’s texts and answering his calls. I fucking hate to admit it but he wasn’t wrong when he said Jason would never change. After the first day of ignoring him, the abusive voicemails and text messages started flooding in. I don’t even open the messages I just delete them all now.

My phone begins to ring and I’m about to hit ignore thinking it’s Jason but when I seeReaperappear on the screen, I answer it. “What do you want, Reaper?” I snap, annoyed as fuck that he won’t speak to me but thinks calling is okay?

“I’ll be late home tonight, got some shit to do after practice. I got you an Uber for after school.” I grit my teeth in annoyance, for the past two days I’ve had to wait for him to finish practice before going home. It’s not like I have a car to get home or money to pay for a cab.

“Cool, anything else?” I grit out.

“Yeah, there will be an envelope on the counter for you when you get home.” I tense.

“What is it?” Skepticism is clear in my tone.

“The keys to your dorm room, you move in on Monday. There is also a debit card in there for you as well. Got to go, jail bait.” He ends the call, not giving me a chance to say anything back. I mean really, what the fuck could I have said? I stand here for a minute reeling, he kept his word and really did get me my own dorm room and a bank account. I thought he was talking out his ass, honestly. I mean, no one does this shit for free. Ever since he came to find me on Tuesday night, he hasn’t said a word to me, not even when I walked out of his shower last night trying to get a reaction out of him. He did look me over and I saw the longing in his gaze, but the dead giveaway was the tent in the front of his sweats. I thought for sure he would come to my room last night after my show and fuck me, but he didn’t.

Why the fuck does the fact he won’t talk to me, or even acknowledge me, bother me so damn much? My eyes widen. Oh, fuck no. Nope, I’m not even going to think that because fuck that. After the surprise I have planned for him tonight, he will hate me and then I’ll be back on track and make sure the line between us doesn’t get blurred again—well, for me anyway.


Making my way out to my car, I find myself smiling. I’m actually excited to see my sister and Darius and think it will be good having them here to break the tension between me and Alexa. After the revelation I came to the other day, I’ve made sure to keep my distance and my dick in my pants. I know my silent treatment is getting to her, and after her little fucking show last night I nearly caved. I had to talk myself out of marching my ass downstairs to her room and fucking her until we both blacked out. I managed to stop myself and I’m man enough to admit I jerked off to memories of her naked and riding me in the hallway.

Fuck, for the past few days I have tried to keep my distance, not speak to her or even be in the same room as her for more than five minutes, with the exclusion of the ride to and from school. That shit is pure fucking torture! Being that close to her where I can brush against her arm, smell her shampoo and just fucking breathe her in is pure fucking hell. I know I’m fucked up. This whole situation is fucked up. Thing is, I know I should feel guilty for all of this and at the start I did, but now, I crave her. She hasn’t done anything or gone out of her way to make me feel anything other than disdain, but what she doesn’t know is her mere presence and constant snarky remarks are helping me heal and push forward from the loss we have both suffered.