Page 25 of Saint

Pulling up out the front of Jade’s cabin, we see old Bert on his verandah and the one and only Mrs Kite walking past on her way to nowhere except someone else’s business. Bert waves and yells out a greeting, clearly happy to see Jade safe and well. Mrs Kite, not so much. “I see you’ve dragged another unsuspecting woman into that evil club of yours. Are you going to kill her too?” I see Jade’s mouth open ready to explode but grab her and drag her quickly inside making sure I give the old biddy the evil eye as we go in.

“What the fuck was that all about?”

Sighing at the thought of more drama, I begin to explain. “Remember how I told you about Vicky – Reign’s mum. Remember that suffocating family she was running from? Well that old witch is her mother.”

“But I thought you said cancer took her?”

“It did. But no matter how she looks at it, that woman is convinced I killed her daughter. If she hadn’t left to be with me and had my child, she would never have fallen ill and not died – blah, blah, blah. In her mind, it will forever be my fault.”

“Wow! That’s some grudge to hold.”

“Yes, yes it is. I try not to make it worse by biting when she says shit like that. I don’t want to give her the satisfaction.”

Jade glares out the window, mumbling something about doing her best and then walks outside to my truck to meet the waiting Dublin and Smoke. Dublin, with one eye on me grabs Jade into a bear hug, telling her how happy he is that she’s safe and checking on her shoulder. I stand back and let them do their thing while Smoke also keeps one eye on me. Apparently my asshole tendencies are still cause for concern. With Jade’s few belongings quickly stowed in the back of my truck we head back to the clubhouse.

An hour later and I’m at the club bar while Jade rests. “I hear you two are getting hitched” asks Dublin with a sly grin. I smile at my boots and I look up at my brothers. “Yep” I say as I rock back on my heels with my hands in my pockets “now I just gotta make it happen. How’s my plans coming VP?” I ask Smoke

“Plans are coming together brother. Her kids and best friend will be here two days before Thanksgiving. Better call church so you can let everyone know proper like then” declares Smoke, grinning from ear to ear as he starts typing out a text out to everyone “What do you say – church in an hour?”

“Make it tonight. I really need to spend some time at the workshop. Fuck knows what those prospects have been up to the last two days”.

We all head out. We have businesses to run that have been somewhat neglected over the last few days and if they’re not making money, the Club’s not making money. Walking into the workshop I’m happy to see that Block and Kitty seem to have shit under control. I give them both some grief simply because I can and head into the office to see what I’ve missed. Apart from needing to handle a ton of paperwork, the answer is zip. So I get on with dealing with the most boring part of my life for the rest of the afternoon. “I really need an office girl. Fucking hate paperwork” I grumble to myself. Kitty and Block are passing by my door and make sure to add their own thoughts “Can you at least get one that’s good looking? Oh yeah, and with good legs and a nice ass?”


Church is called to order and it feels good to be back to normal doing this in our own place at our own table. Even if the table is new, it’s similar to the old one with the club rockers and symbol burnt into the top of the smooth oak. Everything is right with the world.

“Let’s start with club business. I know the workshop and the bar are doing well. Smoke, how’s the construction gig going? And Bull, how’s the security work?”

“Fucking busy” groans Smoke “I’m snowed under trying to finish a couple of big jobs before the weather closes in completely. Got a couple of inside reno jobs booked to tide us over winter”

Bull chimes in with his own update “Also fucking busy. Picked up contracts for a new warehouse just out of town and a new bar opening up down on Main Street next week. Could do with a couple more bodies to help with the work though” he says looking thoughtful “We need some more prospects. While I’m on that – isn’t it time we patched in Kitty and Block? They’ve both proven to be solid over the last twelve months”

“You’re right Bull. Got your eyes on anyone particular? Or do any of you have any new prospects in your sights?” Bull rubs his hand over his newly shaven head as he thinks

“Maybe. Couple of young guys I used to work with have been hinting at heading to Sapphire Lake, looking to get out of the city. I can vouch for them but you want me to run checks? If they check out, I could offer them work and the opportunity to prospect”

“Sounds like a plan. Tap, you can get details from Bull and run checks” Tap replies with a nod and a rapping of his knuckles on the table. “While we’re at it then, we best vote on Kitty and Block. All those in favour raise your hand” hands are raised from everyone around the table “looks like we’ve got two new members then. Smoke, can you sort out new cuts?”

“Can do. What names are we gonna put on them though? You got new ones in mind or you going to let them choose?” he asks with an evil grin on his face hoping I’ll make them keep Kitty and Block. Tempting as it is, I’m feeling generous.

“I’m feeling generous. Leave ‘em blank. Let the guys choose their own. We’ll get them done after the party. Which will be Saturday night. And that means we’ve now got two big nights to organise.”

Murmurs of “two?” go up from around the table. “Last but not least, I want to thank you all for pitching in and turning out to find Jade. She’s alive thanks to all of you.” The response to this is lots of foot-stomping and cheering. Smoke lets it run for thirty seconds before raising his hand and taking over.

“You heard the Prez. Two parties. This Saturday night for the prospects patching in and then another on Thanksgiving. “You see” he says with a shit eating grin on his face “our Prez here, needs to discuss one more teeny, tiny, little thing with you. A teeny, tiny, little thing goes by the name of Jack” and his grin grows even bigger if that’s possible “a tiny, little thing that he’s already claimed but now he wants to get greedy about and marry!” The answer is more foot-stomping and hollering and this time it goes on for a good couple of minutes. Smoke laughs his way through the whole thing, eventually whistling for quiet. “He also wants to do it on short notice and make it happen on Thanksgiving. So what do you say? Can we make that happen?”

Tags speaks up “I can hook up that same band we used to get at the old clubhouse. They’ve got local gigs at the moment and I’m pretty sure they’ll more than happy to do ours. I’ll get on it.”

From Bull “I’ll sort food. Leave it with me. Dublin, you’re the party guy. You can help me. Tap, you and the rest of the crew can get this place cleaned up and decorated. Not sure who’s gonna marry you though Prez…it’s not like we go to church every Sunday” he says unsure of whether he should laugh or not “it’s not like any of us can do it”

“Got that covered” replies Smoke with a wink “a woman at the registry office owes me a favour”. No one has an answer to that other than ear to ear grins and raised eyebrows so we just leave it. “Jack’s boys and best friend will be here mid next week. Someone needs to sort out some rooms for them. All you have to do Prez is sort out a suit for yourself and a dress for your bride. Pretty sure you’re going to need help. Reign, you’re in charge of your old man”

“Suit! Fuck off. I might let him wear a collared shirt under his cut but no one’s putting either of us in a suit!”

“Well said son. No suits for Saints”

We finish off the meeting with our club call. “Hell’s Keepers. To hell and back!” and everyone is keen to shake my hand and bump shoulders and hang some shit on me about being pussy-whipped. Shit I take gladly considering what I’m gaining.