I pushed him off me and flipped over eyeing him suspiciously. “Don’t you have to supervise the bump in downstairs? I’m pretty sure they’re all going to be looking for their Prez today. Besides, we’ve got all night to test the sheets and this arvo, we have to give Reign his bike.”
Saint looked at me and sighed. “She leads me on and then dumps me before I’ve even gotten started” he moaned “but yeah, you’re right. Shit to do. Besides, imagine how much fun we’re going to have later after a few hours recovery time. Come on Beautiful, time to get cleaned up” and he dragged me into the bathroom, laughing at himself again
What Reign didn’t know was that I had decided to give my bike to him permanently. I actually preferred to ride with Saint, warm up against his back so together we’d decided to put some time into it over the last few weeks to make it his bike. Saint, Kitty and the crew at the workshop had given it a custom paint job, fitted new straight pipes of course, and customised the bike to suit Reign in every way. Late afternoon, once everyone was just about moved in we had him cornered at the bar and gave Jameson the signal to bring in the bike. I could hear it roar to life outside and start to move towards the barn doors. Reign looked up from his drink “What the fuck? Is someone bringing a bike in here already?”
“Well it is a biker’s clubhouse mate. Shouldn’t you be expecting that? Besides, I think you’ll wanna see this one.”
Jameson eased the bike in through the doors and up to the bar. “So, what do ya think Reign?”
“It’s fucking beautiful. But why the hell did you bring it into the bar? And where’s your bike? Did you sell it or something? I would have bought it from you, you know?”
“Nope. I’ve still got my bike. This one’s a spare that Jack had laying around. She thought you might like it” he said grinning at Reign as he turned off the bike and handed him the keys.
He turned to look at me. “This is your bike? No way? This is the bike you’re loaning me to ride tomorrow?”
“Na mate. This is the bike I’m giving to you. Mind you, if it had looked half this good a few weeks ago, I might have kept it. You can thank your Dad and the boys at the shop for the custom job. You like it?”
“Like it? Fuck yes I like it! I love it! This is really mine? Holy shit!” He pulled me into a bear hug and then dragged Saint in too. “I can’t thank you enough! And I can’t wait to ride it. You guys are the best!”
This signalled the official beginning of the bump in party. “Welcome home brothers! Welcome to your new clubhouse!” He is interrupted by much foot stomping and cheering and waits for it to die down before he continues. “It’s been too long since we’ve all been together in our own home. Anyone who needs a room, there’s a few still available up there. Reign, home from hospital. Know it’s been tough for you but welcome home! Tonight we celebrate coming home. So here’s to the start of a new era for the Hell’s Keepers. Hell’s Keepers! To hell and back!” Drinks flowed, food was served and we partied long and hard into the night. Smoke had arranged for a local cover band to play, the fires were burning inside and out and the club girls were making up for lost time with their bikers and they weren’t being shy about it. Stacey would throw the occasional dagger at me but the rest of them seemed friendly enough and were way too busy to care that I was plastered to the side of their precious Prez. A place I stayed on purpose, just to make my point to Stacey. She needed to learn her place.
At some point sometime after midnight my body decided it had consumed enough whisky and tried to throw me off the barstool I was sitting on. Saint took this as his cue to throw me over his shoulder and take me back upstairs. He laughed all the way. As soon as we hit our room, he threw me on the bed, stripped me naked and dove straight in for a repeat performance of this afternoon’s session. This man’s appetite was insatiable. I however was also pretty hungry. I laid back and let him make me happy, more than once of course, but as soon as he was finished I pulled him up over my face and dragged his dripping cock to my mouth. “Jade, beautiful, you’re killing me here. I won’t last long in your mouth babe.”
“Don’t care” I said between long pulls on his cock “fuck my face.” And he did. He rode my face. I took him as far into my mouth as I could, sucking the salty pre-cum from his cock, moaning against him and gently squeezing his balls. I don’t know what he was worried about. He took it for over ten minutes and he wasn’t quiet about it either. He moaned and called my name and I loved it. I was close to another orgasm just from sucking him. His pace quickened and his rhythm faltered and I stopped and dragged him back down my body “Inside me babe. I want to finish with you. I need to feel you inside me.” He ravaged my mouth, kissing me hard but he held out on slamming himself inside me. He rubbed against me and thumbed my clit but he made me wait, smiling and laughing as he kissed me and dragged his cock over my swollen lips.
“Soon” he promised as he laughed.
Without warning, he took his hand away and slammed inside of me. I came instantly but he didn’t let up. He kept up his pace, slamming relentlessly into my soaked pussy as I milked his cock until he couldn’t take anymore and he came too, roaring my name into the sheets as he smothered me with his body. And just like the first time and almost every time since, he rolled me over on top of him, still inside me and we fell into dreamless sleep with me plastered to his chest.
Dawn came and went and we made our way downstairs sometime after ten. There were bodies strewn all over the place, mostly passed out, some partially awake, some with girls passed out on top of them, some still going at it. Smoke was sitting quietly at the bar sipping on a strong coffee and rubbing his eyes in an effort to see clearly. “Welcome home” he said dryly with a hint of a smile.
We laughed. This was a normal biker Sunday morning. “There’s no place like home” I replied in turn as I looked around at the mess. Deciding to remind them where they all were, I pierced the air with a whistle waking everyone up. “Morning deadbeats! In case you’ve forgotten, we’re going on a run today. Get up, clean up and get your shit together. We ride in an hour.” I smiled to a laughing Smoke as I turned back around. “Where’s Dublin? Shouldn’t he be doing this?” Smoke just raised one eyebrow in reply as he looked sideways at the big leather couch behind the fireplace. Sprawled on the couch with one very pretty bar tender tucked in the crook of his arm lay Dublin, looking back at me with an ear to ear grin on his face. “At last! Thank fuck for that. Maybe now he’ll be a little more bearable”.
Jade seemed to have a knack for waking up a crew of hungover bikers. She set coffee brewing on the bar and then lit the grill, loaded it up with bacon and eggs and let the smell work its magic. They were all up and moving in fifteen minutes much to my amazement. She loaded plates with bacon and eggs on burger buns which had everyone coming back for seconds and more, filled them up with coffee or Coke and gave them all orders to get on with it. The club girls were put on clean up duty after they’d eaten and to my absolute amazement, every single man was ready to go within the hour. My Queen was already making her mark on this place and I couldn’t be happier.
Just before we left, Smoke called Jade and I over to the bar and called for quiet. “Got a present for our new Queen” he said with a smile, offering her a gift bag “you’ll be needing this today”. Her eyebrows went up in question and she looked at me for an answer.
“Open it Beautiful” Reaching in, she pulled out her new cut and the smile on her face spread from ear to ear. ‘Property of Saint’ was stitched onto the back above the club rockers and ‘Jack’ was stitched on the front. “Put it on” I whispered. She breathed in the smell of the new leather before she put it on and then looked up at me, fighting back tears. Smoke pulled her into a bear hug and then sent her back to me for another while she regained her composure and then thanked everyone for making her feel so welcome. Then she yelled at Dublin to get on with getting this ride started.
It was a magical day for a ride and Dublin had laid out a great trip through some winding mountain roads. We stopped off at a few places to either eat or just admire the view and even though the weather was definitely cold, the sun was magic. I figured it wouldn’t be long before the snow arrived and we made the most of a beautiful day and what was probably our last ride before winter set in.
As soon as we arrived back at the Club house, we set about lighting fires and sorting drinks. The prospects had kept watch over a pig roasting over coals all day. Potatoes were wrapped in foil and buried under the coals for the next hour and we all kicked back and relaxed, warming cold hands and feet and enjoying each other’s company in our new home. It felt good to have everyone back together in our own space. I had missed the camaraderie over the last few months. That feeling of family that comes from just hanging together. This is what club life is all about. Jade got up at some point to start serving food but I dragged her back into my lap on the warm leather couch and folded her back into my arms. “Stay with me. Just be with me tonight. You may be Queen here but that doesn’t mean you have to oversee everything. Those girls have a place here and tonight it involves taking care of everything that needs to be done. Your only job is to lie back in my lap and look beautiful”. I was ready for her to argue but instead she curled up in my lap and placed her tiny hand over the top of mine, proudly showing off her new tattoo and just sat quietly enjoying the surrounds. Perfection, fucking perfection.
After dinner, the club girls found their chosen men for the night and Dublin sat at the bar, keeping watch over Louisa. A few of the guys were playing pool. Most were relaxing after a long day on the bikes. I smiled to myself as I looked around the room and felt the happiness here. Grabbing Jade around the waist, I hauled her up and over my shoulder and started across the room. “Hey!” she squealed “Where are we going? It’s nice and warm in front of the fire!”
“Our bed will be even warmer” I tell her over my shoulder “and I want dessert”.
Her amazing hazel eyes peer up at me from under my arm and she grins “Well Prez, I hope you’re hungry’.
Monday morning arrives cold but sunny. I don’t need to be at the bar until lunchtime so I ask Saint to drop me at a salon in town so I can get my long locks some much needed attention. I’ve kind of let myself go a bit with all the drama of the last few years and it’s time to get things back into order. My hair needs a trim and a colour, brows and lashes need tinting and my nails are in desperate need of love. Aside from all that, there’s the little fact that tomorrow is my birthday and the second anniversary of Pipe’s death. I’ve kept it to myself in the hopes of not jinxing it and am hopeful that tomorrow can be a good day. New life, fresh start and all that jazz…fingers crossed.
As he drops me off he makes me promise not to walk to the bar on my own afterwards. “Promise you’ll call me to give you a ride. I want to be the first one that gets a look at you after you’ve had that beautiful hair done” he says with a smile and then turns serious “I do not want you walking anywhere alone. Understand? Promise me you’ll call.”