For the first time, Augustus didn’t know what he’d find inside. He was afraid to open it; to witness something he couldn’t recognize, something no longer his.
But he didn’t have time to think about this, because Elizabeth burst through the door, eyes wide, cheeks flushed with panic.
“Hurricane Francine,” she panted.
“What about it?” It was supposed to miss them entirely and just nick the southern end of Texas. The seventh storm of the season, and all had been uneventful.
His mother’s words jumped into his head. She said them, in some form, every year, and the last time was at Patrick Sullivan’s wedding. We’re due for another big one, you know. Betsy, in ’65, was bad, but it’s been many years since we’ve seen utter disaster.
“It turned.”
Augustus tensed. “What do you mean it turned?”
“The weather team is saying it’s turned and now it’s going to hit New Orleans,” Connor said, appearing behind Elizabeth. He nearly crashed into her.
“No, that’s not… when?”
“Too soon for us to evacuate,” Connor replied. He scanned the room with nervous eyes.
“How is that possible, though?” Augustus reached behind him and lifted Ana from her carrier, and cradled her against his chest. “How did we miss the evacuation orders?”
“We didn’t,” Elizabeth said. “Because they never gave them.”
“I don’t understand.”
“The governor was on television just now, Augustus. They aren’t saying, but sounds like someone was asleep on the job, or they didn’t get the news out quick enough. They’re advising against evacuation because when Francine hits everyone will be stuck on I-10, and that would be… well, a disaster. They’re going to sound the emergency system soon, and then everyone should be indoors, with their hurricane kits. Storm shutters bolted. How’s the attic here?”
Augustus was too dazed to answer. A hurricane? He wasn’t ready for this. Not when Ana… when Nicolas…
“Augustus? You do have a hurricane kit, right?”
“What? Yes. Yeah, it’s in the pantry.”
“I’ll go get it.” Connor exchanged a look with Elizabeth. “It’s too late to send your housekeeper home, so she’s staying. We’re all staying. Lizzy, get some blankets to the attic, and I’ll start taking supplies up. See if Beatrice can help, since she’s staying. And, uh… I don’t know, as much water as you can take, I suppose.”
“The cradles,” Augustus managed. “For the babies.”
Connor gripped his arm. “Don’t worry about a thing, Aggie. Lizzy and I got this. Just keep the babies safe, and we’ll be ready when this thing hits us.”
“Mama,” Augustus managed, shouting after Elizabeth. “Someone has to go get her! She can’t be alone in this.”
Elizabeth reached for the keys and threw them at Connor. “Go!”
It Wasn’t Supposed to Turn
Maureen was greeted at Soren’s country manor with a face full of raw panic.
“Maureen, what are you doing here?” He raced behind her and shut the door, bolting all three locks. “I’ve been calling you for the past hour.”
“You called my house?” Maureen, dazed, searched to piece together Soren’s bizarre behavior, which hit her with the sudden sense that much was wrong, though the edges were scattered.
“I said I was your brother, don’t worry, but yes. I wanted to make sure you were okay, taking the right precautions.”
Soren tugged at his soft curls. “You said Edouard just lets the house fall into disrepair, so I couldn’t stop thinking of you, alone, unsafe at Blanchard House.” He stopped his pacing and jolted himself back to the moment. He pulled Maureen into his arm, kissing her. “You silly girl. Don’t you know how dangerous it is?”