Connor’s face fell, but then he laughed. “Lizzy, we don’t have to stop helping.”
“No? Did you say no?’
“No, I said…” Connor might have fumbled the start, but she was fumbling the finish. And why? Because she thought she could prevent it? Save them both?
There was no saving either of them from what awaited, but Connor was right. It was what happened in between that made a life a life.
“I’m saying yes, Connor.” Elizabeth stretched her fingers out and let him slip the ring on. It took several tries, and was a size too big, but that was a solvable problem. Focus on those, Lizzy. The solvable problems make the unsolvable easier to live with.
Connor leapt to his feet and swept Elizabeth off hers, and they stayed that way, spinning in joy, in promise, in courage, to the sound of a hundred hands clapping.
Augustus drove home from the office using the back roads. St. Charles, or even his own street, Prytania, was quicker, but the drivers faster and less attentive than the ones on Chestnut, even if he did have to stop every block. He’d checked Anasofiya’s car seat three times, as he always did when leaving DMG. Two weeks she’d been joining him in the office each day, and he was starting to get the hang of the routine. He was especially proud of himself today, for attending Elizabeth’s graduation and spending time in the office.
He made the turn on Eighth, toward Prytania and Magnolia Grace, when a truck took an illegal turn, barreling right toward the side of his car. Augustus whipped the wheel hard enough to avoid impact, but the car spun twice in the middle of the intersection before coming to a stop against the curb. Augustus hardly had time to catch his breath before one panicked word appeared in his mind.
Augustus slammed his car door wide. Cars whizzed by, several feet away, on Prytania, but he hardly noticed them. He opened Ana’s door with his breath held. She was fine. Didn’t seem to have any idea that they’d very nearly died, as a result of that foolish, careless driver, whose license plate he wished he’d recorded to memory so he could show up at the man’s door, and—
Connor appeared behind him. “Augustus? What’s going on? Why is your car half in the road?”
Augustus threw his keys at him and bundled Ana in his arms, running for the safety of Magnolia Grace, where nothing could harm her.
Except, there were a hundred things in Magnolia Grace that could harm her.
A thousand in the yard.
A million in the city.
Augustus’ entire body tingled, pulsing with nervous energy that stole his breath away and left stars dancing before his eyes. He raced up the stairs and only when he was safely in his bedroom did he start to breathe again, clutching Ana to his shoulder as fresh tears pricked the back of his eyes.
But even safe, he couldn’t breathe. His chest was on fire with sharp pain, and he couldn’t slow his pulse, no matter how he focused on steadying himself. His adrenaline surged through his veins, and though he hadn’t slept well in days, he was hyper alert now, to the point everything around him was in crisp, vivid color, and the world was dripping with an abundance of unwelcome energy.
“Aggie.” Elizabeth stood in the doorway.
“Go away.”
“Nope. Not doing it.” She came in and closed the door. “You say you don’t need anyone, but that’s bullshit, and we both know it.” She sat next to him on the bed and held out her arms. “Give her to Aunt Elizabeth.”
He didn’t know he was sobbing until he tasted the tears that reached his lips. “I can’t.”
“You can.” She touched his hand. “I would die before I let anything harm a hair on her head.”
“Please,” he sobbed, though he didn’t know who the words were for. Himself. Her. God.
Elizabeth gently peeled Anasofiya away and gathered the bundle into her arms. “Shh. That’s a sweet baby. Auntie Liz is here.”
Arms empty, Augustus was hollow. He felt the residue of where his daughter was moments ago, where his meaning lived. He was empty. He was tired. He was so tired, more than he’d ever been, in all his life.
“I want you to sleep,” Elizabeth said softly, but it was a demand, not a suggestion. “I want you to sleep until your body tells you it’s time to do something else. In the meantime, I’ve got this. I’ve got Ana. I’ve got you. Sleep, Augustus.”
Elizabeth didn’t wait for his protest. She left him, closing the door again behind her.