Page 63 of Undone

Opening the bag, he looks through it quickly, no doubt making sure I haven’t shorted him. He retrieves two bundles of cash, “Your pay.”

I shake my head, “No, thank you. Keep it. I still don’t want drug money.”

His face shows his disapproval, “Very well, but it all spends the same.”

Max gives one last look at DeLuca and says, “Let’s go. We are done here.”

We both get into the vehicle, Max on the driver's side, and he starts to drive. He’s quiet for a while. Eventually, he speaks, “I’m not in the habit of simply giving away two million dollars. You will work it off.”

“Thank you.”

I’m aware if it weren’t for Max, Ivy and I both would’ve likely been killed tonight. I could fight him under normal circumstances, but one of his men would have shot me.

As he turns onto his street, he says, “Mia will be in contact when she needs you. Show her the same respect you show me. Willow wants everyone to come for dinner this weekend. She has asked me to invite you and Ivy as well.”

I nod, “Ivy would like that.”

He pulls up outside his house and parks, “It’s whatever they want. Happy wife, happy life.”

After Max gets out, I take a cleansing breath and drive back to Mercy and Dad’s house to pick Ivy up.



Ipull up outside my father’s house, park on the street and text Ivy to let her know I’m here. I’m careful not to agitate him by even parking in the driveway. A few minutes later, it isn’t Ivy I see coming out of the house, and it's my dad. I’ve respected his wishes and stayed away from him and Mercy. I don’t want a scene. I have no problem going head-to-head in a battle with him, but I’m doing this for Ivy. I do not want her to have to choose between her family and me. I say her family because he’s made it clear I am no longer part of their lives. He opens the passenger side door and slides in.

Raising an eyebrow, I ask, “What are you doing?”

He rubs his hand across his jaw, “I had a talk with Ivy tonight.”

Suddenly, my chest is tight, and I’m finding it hard to draw a breath. He’s out here, she’s not. He had a talk with her. My heart pounds as my brain goes into overdrive.

“She’s staying,” I say quietly. More to myself than to him.

He stares at me in wonder, “She’s not.”

Sighing, I ask, “Then why are you in my car?”

“I’ve been instructed to make amends. I tend to get insanely protective over the women in our family. I did the same thing with Elle. I’m not proud of it. Ivy says I treated you like you were disposable. She’s not wrong. I apologize.”

Shaking my head, I say, “You weren’t wrong. I am not good enough for her. I never will be.”

He shifts in his seat, turning to face me, “Son, you made a mistake. A horrible mistake under the influence of drugs. You paid your debt to society. You have apologized numerous times. It’s time we all let that go and move on. As my wife says, forgiveness means not continuing to punish a person for something they truly regret. You have made amends.”

“What about the issue of Ivy and I being together?”

My dad runs a hand through his hair again, “I’m not going to say it’s easy to know both of my children are together romantically. It’s strange. I’m still attempting to get a handle on it. I’m aware you two are not biologically related. You didn’t even know each other until recently. I’m working on it. I guess, I’m asking for a little patience while I get there. I only have one request.”

I nod as I wait to hear what he’s asking me for.

“Be good to her. Don’t hurt her, Nash. She’s young. Her heart is huge, and she’d easily sacrifice her needs for yours. Don’t let her. If you truly care about her, do the right thing.”

I nod, “Ivy’s needs are always ahead of mine. I will protect her with my life. I give you my word, she’s safe with me. My first priority is always her well-being, physically, mentally, and emotionally.”

He smiles for the first time since he found out about us, “Then we don’t have a problem, son.”

I extend my hand to shake his, but he chuckles, “I’m your fucking father. Don’t shake my hand like I’m a business acquaintance. Your family deserves hugs.”